
Arts & Literature and Nature




I recall being told “it’s all psychiatry, you can’t escape it”,after reflecting on a novel with a supervisor of a residencyrotation, now some years ago. But seeing psychiatry in everythingand everywhere seemed to me to violate the pervasivemental health professional dictate to maintain strongwork-life boundaries. In contrast, art and literature and naturemay allow us to see from different angles and throughnew lenses, to foster wider perspectives, and to contextualizepsychiatry and so maintain healthy boundaries. In thisnew section, “Arts & Literature and Nature” (ALAN), weinvite readers to offer short reviews and reflections on artand literature, for example books and movies, and aspectsof nature; reflections that widen and contextualize the psychiatricexperience. (Section lead, Peter Braunberger)We are now soliciting submissions from readers for the newALAN section. They should not be more than 200 wordsin length. Submissions should be submitted to Vicki atvsimmons@shaw.ca with the subject heading “ALAN submission”.A subcommittee of the Journal will review allsubmissions. We look forward to your contributions.
机译:我记得被告知“这都是精神病学,你无法逃脱它”,在几年前的一个小说中反映了一个小说的小说。但是,在各处看到精神病学似乎迫使我违反普及的妇女卫生专业人员,以保持强大的工作界限。相比之下,艺术和文学和Naturemay允许我们从不同的角度和通风镜头看,以促进更广泛的观点,并致现环境化的精神,因此保持健康的边界。在本文,“艺术与文献和自然”(艾伦),Weinvite读者提供关于Artand文献的简短评论和思考,例如书籍和电影,以及性质的方面;拓宽和情境化精神病患者的思考。 (第介绍,Peter Braunberger)我们现在正在征求来自纽马人部分的读者的提交。它们不应超过200个字符长度。提交意见书应提交给Vicki Atvsimmons@shaw.ca与主题标题“Alan提交”。期刊的小组委员会将审查AllsubMisions。我们期待您的贡献。



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