首页> 外文期刊>Journal of King Saud University >Crustal characteristics beneath the Tien Shan belt, Central Asia, using the seismic receiver function

Crustal characteristics beneath the Tien Shan belt, Central Asia, using the seismic receiver function




The crustal structure beneath Tien Shan belt was evaluated using teleseismic waveforms from 20 broadband stations and gravity modeling as well. The crustal thickness varies from 36?km to 68?km where the crust thickens due north and the southwest of Tien Shan, while the central part has a thin crust. The area of interest has Vp/Vsratio of 1.81?±?0.025, indicating a mafic crust, detached by Moho from the mantle. Additionally, collision zone between Tien Shan and the Tarim Basin has the thickest crust and highest Φ values. The average Moho sharpness, R (0.17), is comparable to that of the typical crust and decreases due northwest. Stations east of the Talas-Fergana strike-slip fault show low Vp/Vs ratios and anomalously thin crust of about 42?km, probably suggesting delamination of the lower crust. The average Bouguer anomalies are large and negative, particularly near the stations in the southern part of Tien Shan where the elevations are the highest. The study suggests these large negative values beneath Tien Shan are a result of thickening of the lithosphere.
机译:使用来自20个宽带站和重力建模的Telesmic波形来评估Tien Shan带下面的地壳结构。地壳厚度从36 km到68 km变化,其中地壳北部和天山西南部的地壳增厚,中央部分具有薄的外壳。感兴趣的领域具有1.81的vp / vsratio?±0.025,表示由Moho与地幔分离的Mafic Crust。此外,Tien Shan和Tarim盆地之间的碰撞区域具有最厚的地壳和最高φ值。平均Moho锐度r(0.17)与典型的地壳的锐度相当,并且在西北部的典型地壳减少。 Talas-Fergana Strike滑动故障的驻车站显示低VP / VS比率和大约42 km的异常薄外壳,可能表明较低地壳的分层。平均Bouguer异常是大而消极的,特别是靠近Tien Shan南部的站点,升级最高。该研究表明,天山下面的这些大负值是岩石圈增厚的结果。



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