首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health >Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function in Apparently Healthy Wood Dust Exposed Workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function in Apparently Healthy Wood Dust Exposed Workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria




Background: The burden of non-communicable respiratory diseases is rising globally, with environmental and occupational pollutants playing a significant role. It is known that workers exposed to wood dust are at risk of respiratory disease and lung function impairment. The objective of this study was to determine the pattern of respiratory symptoms and lung function parameters in sawmill woodworkers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional comparative descriptive study of sawmill workers from 3 sites in Port Harcourt, selected by multistage and stratified sampling compared to controls in non-risk occupations was done. Demographic and anthropometric parameters were assessed in addition to respiratory symptoms evaluation and spirometry testing of study subjects. Subjects with a history of smoking, asthma, pneumonia and already established respiratory diseases were excluded from the study. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 23. Results: Respiratory symptoms were significantly more prevalent in the 105 sawmill workers compared to 60 controls, with a significant risk and odds ratio. The most prevalent symptoms in subjects were Catarrh 45.7%, Chest Pain 39.0%, Cough 31.4%, Breathlessness 28.6%, Wheezing 25.7%, Sputum Production 23.8% and Fast Breathing 22.9%. The FEV1 (L) and FEF25-75% (L) were significantly lower in sawmill workers compared to controls with values of 2.70±0.77 vs 3.11±0.44, p=0.000 and 4.18±0.87 vs. 5.87±1.34, p=0.000 respectively. Conclusion: Respiratory symptoms and reduction in FEV1 are common among sawmill workers in Port Harcourt Nigeria. In an environment with significant environmental air pollution from soot, it is important for woodworkers at risk of occupational lung disease in Port Harcourt, to improve personal protective device use while regulatory authorities implement preventive occupational health.
机译:背景:非传染性呼吸系统疾病的负担在全球范围内上升,环境和职业污染物发挥了重要作用。众所周知,暴露于木粉尘的工人面临着呼吸系统疾病和肺功能损伤的风险。本研究的目的是确定尼日利亚港哈尔科特港锯木厂木工呼吸症状和肺功能参数的模式。方法:通过多级和分层取样在港口Harcourt中的3个站点的横截面比较描述性研究与非风险职业的控制相比,由多级和分层取样选择。除了研究对象的呼吸系统症状评估和肺活量测试之外,还评估了人口和人体测定参数。患有吸烟病史,哮喘,肺炎和已经建立的呼吸系统疾病的受试者被排除在研究之外。通过SPSS版本23分析数据。结果:105个锯木厂工人的呼吸系统症状与60个对照相比,具有重要风险和差距的呼吸系统。受试者中最普遍的症状是Catarrh 45.7%,胸痛39.0%,咳嗽31.4%,呼吸腹胀28.6%,喘息25.7%,痰产量23.8%,快速呼吸22.9%。锯木厂工人的FEV1(L)和FEF25-75%(L)显着降低,与值为2.70±0.77 Vs 3.11±0.44,P = 0.000和4.18±0.87与5.87±1.34,P = 0.000 。结论:呼吸道症状和FEV1的减少在哈科特港的锯木厂工人中很常见。在烟灰有重大环境空气污染的环境中,对于港口港口职业肺病风险的木材工人很重要,以改善个人防护装置的使用,而监管机构实施预防职业健康。



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