首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environment and Earth Science >Impacts of Prosopis Juliflora on Land Use and Ecology of Salabani Location, Marigat District, Baringo County, Kenya

Impacts of Prosopis Juliflora on Land Use and Ecology of Salabani Location, Marigat District, Baringo County, Kenya

机译:Prosopis Juliflora对肯尼亚的Marigat District,Marigat区土地利用与生态学的影响



Invasive alien plants dominate ecosystems and are a growing threat to the delivery of ecosystem services. The ecological adaptation of invasive species over native plant species affects land use and structure of vegetation. This study therefore examined the impacts of Prosopis juliflora on land use and ecology of Salabani Location in Marigat District, Baringo County in Kenya. Satellite imageries of 1998 and 2012 were used to establish various land use classes, determine rate of spread of Prosopis and its impact on other land use. The study established that in 1998, P. juliflora had only covered 2,906 ha which is 4.2 % of land cover. However by 2012 it had spread very fast to 8,555ha representing 68.1% annual increment. Invasion of prosopis has reduced grazing land by 40.3%, acacia woodlots by 89.8%, and forest cover by 57.1%. The plant has invaded all land use types and in general 61.8% of Salabani Location has been lost to P. juliflora invasion. The invasion of P. juliflora has changed the structure of the ecology in Salabani location since the weed is allelopathic and coppices heavily. P. juliflora is now a threat to the ecosystem of Lake Bogoria Nature Reserve a Ramsar site. The study recommends that the government of Kenya should facilitate commercial production of charcoal from the plant, encourage and facilitate utilization of other products from the plant like steam energy, animal fodder, wax and medicinal value. The study concludes that the plant is spreading very fast and is becoming a threat to the ecosystem of Salabani besides other ecological benefits. This raises concern to the community and stakeholders alike hence need to manage the spread.
机译:侵入式外星植物主导生态系统,并对生态系统服务提供的巨大威胁。原生植物物种对侵袭性物种的生态适应影响植被的土地利用和结构。因此,本研究审查了ProsoPIS Juliflora对肯尼亚的Baringo County Marigat区萨拉巴尼地区土地利用和生态的影响。 1998年和2012年的卫星成像仪被用来建立各种土地利用课程,确定PROSOPI的传播率及其对其他土地利用的影响。该研究确定,1998年,朱叶拉仅涵盖了2,906只HA,占地4,906公顷,占地面积为4.2%。然而,到2012年,它已经扩展到8,555小时,年增长率为68.1%。侵袭ProsoPI将放牧土地减少40.3%,合法伐木工,森林覆盖率为89.8%,森林覆盖率为57.1%。该工厂已入侵所有土地使用类型,一般为61.8%的萨拉巴尼地点已丢失至朱叶草入侵。由于杂草是大量的,杂草的侵袭改变了Salabani位置的生态学结构。 P. Juliflora现在是对博戈里亚湖自然保护区生态系统的威胁,Ramsar网站。该研究建议肯尼亚政府应促进植物的商业生产,鼓励和促进蒸汽能量,动物饲料,蜡和药物等植物的其他产品的利用。该研究得出结论,该植物蔓延得非常速度,并且除了其他生态益处之外,对Salabani的生态系统产生威胁。这提出了社区和利益相关者的关注,因此需要管理传播。



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