首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Influence of HIV/AIDS Counselling Services on the Quality of Life of Church Members in Selected Churches in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

Influence of HIV/AIDS Counselling Services on the Quality of Life of Church Members in Selected Churches in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya




Globally and in the Africa continent HIV/AIDS has become a pandemic that has affected more than 34 million people. The world has responded to the pandemic by creating counselling services to improve the quality of life. Churches are increasingly getting involved in HIV/AIDS Counselling Services to help improve the quality of life of church members in Nakuru Municipality. However, no studies have been conducted to assess the influence of HIV/AIDS counselling services on the quality of life of church members in Nakuru Municipality. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of HIV/AIDS counselling services on the quality of life of church members in selected churches in Nakuru Municipality. This research adopted an ex Post facto causal comparative research design. The target population of the study was Shabab Africa Inland Church, Nakuru West -Presbyterian Church of East Africa- and Christ the King Cathedral- Catholic Church in Nakuru Municipality with a population of five thousand, six hundred and forty three (5643) members. Accessible population of 225 respondents was the sample for the study; these included 3 pastors, 27 men, 114 women, 75 youth, and six counsellors. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Experts from the Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations were consulted to assess the content, construction and face validity of the questionnaires and a pilot study was conducted in Deliverance Church Nakuru. The reliability of questionnaires was estimated by use of Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient where values above 0.70 were accepted. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages) using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) programme. The study recommends and the government in motivating people to get involved in establishing and utilising counselling services to enhance the quality of life of the people in churches in Nakuru County.
机译:在全球和非洲大陆艾滋病毒/艾滋病已成为一个影响超过3400万人的大流行。通过创建咨询服务来提高生活质量,世界已经回应了大流行。教会越来越多地参与艾滋病毒/艾滋病咨询服务,以帮助提高纳库鲁市教会成员的生活质量。然而,没有进行任何研究,以评估艾滋病毒/艾滋病咨询服务对Nakuru市教会成员的生活质量的影响。本研究的目的是评估艾滋病毒/艾滋病咨询服务对纳库鲁市所选教堂的教会成员生活质量的影响。本研究采用了事后事后因果对比研究设计。该研究的目标人口是Shabab Africa Inland Church,Nakuru West -presberian教会的东非和基督国王大教堂在纳库鲁市的国王大教堂,人口占五千,六十三十三(5643年)成员。 Accessible人口225名受访者是该研究的样本;这些包括3名牧师,27名男子,114名女性,75个青年和六名辅导员。问卷用来收集数据。咨询了心理学部,咨询和教育基金会的专家,以评估问卷调查和试点研究的内容,建设和面临有效性,并在拯救教堂纳库鲁进行。通过使用Cronbachα可靠性系数估计问卷的可靠性,其中接受了0.70的值。使用用于社会科学(SPSS)程序的统计包来分析数据使用描述性统计(频率和百分比)。该研究建议和政府在激励人们参与建立和利用咨询服务,以提高Nakuru县教会人民的生活质量。



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