首页> 外文期刊>História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos >Una discusión sobre el vínculo entre Salvador Allende, Max Westenh?fer y Rudolf Virchow: aportes a la historia de la medicina social chilena e internacional*

Una discusión sobre el vínculo entre Salvador Allende, Max Westenh?fer y Rudolf Virchow: aportes a la historia de la medicina social chilena e internacional*

机译:讨论萨尔瓦多·埃伦德,马克斯韦斯滕什的联系?FER和Rudolf Virchow:对智利和国际社会医学史的贡献*



In the history of Latin American social medicine, numerous works have presented a harmonious link between Rudolf Virchow, Max Westenh?fer, and Salvador Allende, which establishes the origin of ideas of Latin American social medicine in a prestigious European source, represented by Virchow. A key to that story is that Allende was a student of Westenh?fer, a disciple of Virchow who lived in Chile three times (1908-1911, 1929-1932, and 1948-1957). Based on primary sources and contextual data, this article problematizes the relationship between Allende and Westenh?fer, and questions the influence of Virchow in Chilean social medicine.
机译:在拉丁美洲社会医学的历史中,众多作品介绍了Rudolf Virchow,Max Westenh的和谐联系:萨尔瓦多·索伦德,并在Virchow代表着名的欧洲来源中建立了拉丁美洲社会医学的思想起源。该故事的关键是Allende是Westenh的学生?FER,智利住在智利的弟子三次(1908-1911,1929-1932和1948-1957)。基于主要来源和上下文数据,本文讨论了Allende和Westenh之间的关系?FER,以及VILECHOW在智利社会医学中的影响。



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