首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Technical Note: Alternative in-stream denitrification equation for the INCA-N model

Technical Note: Alternative in-stream denitrification equation for the INCA-N model




The Integrated Catchment model for Nitrogen (INCA-N) is a semi-distributed,process based model that has been used to model the impacts of land use,climate, and land management changes on hydrology and nitrogen loading. Anobserved problem with the INCA-N model is reproducing low nitrate–nitrogenconcentrations during the summer growing season in some catchments. In thisstudy, the current equation used to simulate the rate of in-streamdenitrification was replaced with an alternate equation that uses a masstransfer coefficient and the stream bottom area. The results of simulatingin-stream denitrification using the two different methods were compared for aone year simulation period of the Yl?neenjoki catchment in Finland. Thealternate equation (Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency = 0.61) simulatedconcentrations during the periods of the growing season with the lowest flowthat were closer to the observed concentrations than the current equation(Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency = 0.60), but the results were mixed duringother portions of the year. The results of the calibration and validation ofthe model using the two equations show that the alternate equation willsimulate lower nitrate–nitrogen concentrations during the growing seasonwhen compared to the current equation, but promote investigation into othererrors in the model that may be causing inaccuracies in the modeledconcentrations.
机译:氮气(INCA-N)的集成集水区模型是一种半分布的过程基于过程的模型,用于模拟土地利用,气候和土地管理变化对水文和氮负载的影响。 INCA-N模型的Anobserved问题正在在一些集水区夏季生长季节期间再现低硝酸盐 - 氮居民。在该学士中,用于模拟流统一统计速率的当前方程被替代方程替换,其使用Masstransfer系数和流底部区域。使用两种不同方法模拟流反硝化的结果与YL的AONE年模拟时段进行比较?芬兰的Neenjoki集水区。 Thealternate方程(NASH-SUTCLIFFE效率= 0.61)在生长季节的时间内的模拟共同,流量最低的流量比当前方程更接近观察到的浓度(NASH-SUTCLIFFE效率= 0.60),但结果在其他部分中混合了年。使用两个方程的模型的校准和验证结果表明,与当前方程相比,替代方程在生长季节期间将降低硝态氮浓度,但促进在模型中可能导致模型中的模型中的其他形式的调查。



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