首页> 外文期刊>The Saudi Dental Journal >Preventive hygiene protocol of University of Milan for women during pregnancy: A qualitative and quantitative bacterial plaque analysis prospective original study

Preventive hygiene protocol of University of Milan for women during pregnancy: A qualitative and quantitative bacterial plaque analysis prospective original study




IntroductionThe aim of this article is to describe the preventive hygiene protocol of University of Milan for women during pregnancy analyzing the bacterial plaque quantitatively and qualitatively.Materials and methodsA sample of 35 pregnant women following a protocol of periodic visits starting from the first month of pregnancy until the childbirth and in follow up controls were analyzed. Several samples (n?=?4) of bacterial plaque for quantitative and qualitative analysis were taken, from the lingual surface of the lower first molar, during the first visit (T0), during the first trimester (T1), during the second or third trimester of pregnancy (T2), and one month after childbirth (T3).ResultsBy performing a quantitative analysis, it was calculated that the average plaque index (Fig. 1) was n?=?48.1% (T0), n?=?14.7% (T1), n?=?18.4% (T2) and n?=?18.9% (T3). The plaque index score presents a downward trend, passing from 48.1% (T0) to 18.9% (T3). The number of total cocci (Fig. 2) was n?=?205.39 (T0), n?=?57.5(T1), n?=?74.6 (T2) and n?=?75.4(T3). The number of total bacilli (Fig. 3) was n?=?62.7 (T0), n?=?23.1 (T1), n?=?25.3 (T2), n?=?27.1(T3). The total values of cocci and bacilli were correlated and the average trend of the various samples was calculated. By performing a qualitative analysis, the value of G+ cocci (Fig. 5) was n?=?2.7 (T0), n?=?1.4 (T1), n?=?1.4 (T2) and n?=?1.5 (T3). The value of G? cocci (Fig. 5) was n?=?2.3 (T0), n?=?0.7 (T1), n?=?1.1 (T2) and n?=?1.1 (T3). The value of G+ bacilli (Fig. 6) was n?=?1.6 (T0), n?=?0.9 (T1), n?=?1.2 (T2) and n?=?1.2 (T3). The value of G? bacilli (Fig. 6) was n?=?1.3 (T0), n?=?0.3 (T1), n?=?0.7 (T2) and n?=?0.7 (T3).ConclusionsThe preventive hygiene protocol used in the Dental Hygiene Department of the University of Milan, during the gestation period, is a suitable method for the control of the bacterial plaque. A considerably decrease of the plaque index and bacterial components between the first visit and the subsequent check-ups was calculated.
机译:简介本文的目的是描述米兰大学的预防性卫生议定书,孕妇在妊娠中定量和定性分析细菌斑块。从怀孕的第一个月开始,35个孕妇的数据和方法样本在怀孕的第一个月开始之前分析了分娩和后续控制。在第一次访问(T0)期间,在第一次参加(T1)期间,从较低第一磨牙的舌表面进行了几种细菌斑块进行定量和定性分析的样品(n?=Δ4)。在第一次或怀孕三个月(T2)和分娩后一个月(T3)。进行定量分析,计算平均斑块指数(图1)是n?= 48.1%(t0),n?= ?14.7%(t1),n?= 18.4%(t2)和n?= 18.9%(t3)。斑块指数评分呈下降趋势,将48.1%(T0)至18.9%(T3)。总COCC1的数量(图2)是n?=?205.39(t0),n?= 57.5(t1),n?= 74.6(t2)和n?= 75.4(t3)。总杆菌(图3)的数量是n?=Δ62.7(t0),n?= 23.1(t1),n?= 25.3(t2),n?= 27.1(t3)。 COCC1和Bacilli的总值相关,并计算各种样品的平均趋势。通过进行定性分析,G + COCC1的值(图5)为n?=?2.7(t0),n?=?1.4(t1),n?=?1.4(t2)和n?=?1.5( t3)。 g的价值? COCCI(图5)是n?=Δ2.3(t0),n?= 0.7(t1),n?=Δ1.1(t2)和n?=?1.1(t3)。 G + Bacilli(图6)的值是n?=Δ1.6(t0),n?= 0.9(t1),n?=Δ1.2(t2)和n?1.2(t3)。 g的价值?杆菌(图6)是n?=Δ1.3(t0),n?= 0.3(t1),n?= 0.7(t2)和n?0.7(t3)。包括预防性卫生协议在妊娠期米兰大学牙科卫生部门是一种适用于控制细菌斑块的合适方法。计算第一次访问和后续检查之间的斑块指数和细菌组分的显着降低。



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