首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science >Prenatal diagnosis of foetal hydrocephalus and suspected X-linked recessive inheritance of cleft lip in a Chihuahua

Prenatal diagnosis of foetal hydrocephalus and suspected X-linked recessive inheritance of cleft lip in a Chihuahua




A 3.5-year-old, 2.9 kg, multiparous Chihuahua presented with abdominal distension; pregnancy was diagnosed. On Day 7 before parturition, prenatal sonograms showed anechoic bilateral dilated cerebral lateral ventricles, suggesting fluid-filled regions (ventriculomegaly) in one foetus. A Caesarean section was performed and the male newborn had an abnormally enlarged dome-shaped head and a cleft lip, and died 6 days after birth. According to the family pedigree, the X-linked recessive inheritance of an orofacial cleft from the unaffected mother was suggested. This report clearly demonstrates that canine foetal ventriculomegaly (hydrocephalus) can be diagnosed in utero. For dog breeds predisposed to congenital ventriculomegaly, early detection is important for the prediction of perinatal survival and adequate supportive care can be applied at delivery.



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