首页> 外文期刊>Pravoprimenenie >Мониторинг судебной практики в сфере предотвращения и урегулирования конфликтов интересов на муниципальной службе

Мониторинг судебной практики в сфере предотвращения и урегулирования конфликтов интересов на муниципальной службе




Subject. The article is devoted to enforcement the rules concerning conflicts of interest in the municipal service. The purpose of the article is to identify approaches to resolution of legal disputes concerning conflict of interest in the municipal service. Methodology. The authors use theoretical analysis as well as legal methods including formal legal analysis and the method of linguistic interpretation of judicial acts. Results, scope of application. The courts examine a different range of issues: the concept of conflict of interest, personal interest; features of admission to service; application of measures of responsibility; dismissal from service (termination of employment or service relations) – during the legal consideration of cases related to the presence and absence of a conflict of interest. The courts apply similar approaches to the conflict of interest in the state and municipal services, despite the fact that state and municipal employees have significant differences in legal status and different legislative acts are applied to each type of service. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has repeatedly resolved the disputes concerning the issues of conflict of interest. Courts of general jurisdiction resolve such cases mostly in the order of action proceedings. However, the courts are also ought to investigate issues related to the conflict of interest when considering disputes arising from public legal relations when challenging normative legal acts. The attempts of local authorities to change the wording, to go beyond the norms established in Federal legislation are the most common violation. Conclusions. Although the legal positions of the Supreme Court concerning conflict of interest are generally quite consistent, courts at other territorial levels may have different positions on such situations. Therefore, we should welcome the preparation by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of A review of court practice in 2014-2016 concerning enforcement legislation of the Russian Federation in disputes related to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation.
机译:主题。本文致力于执行关于市政服务利益冲突的规则。本文的目的是确定关于在市政服务冲突的法律争议解决法律纠纷的方法。方法。作者使用理论分析以及法律方法,包括正式的法律分析和司法行为的语言解释方法。结果,应用范围。该法院审查了不同的问题:利益冲突的概念,个人兴趣;入场服务的特点;责任措施的应用;解雇服务(终止就业或服务关系) - 在法律审议与存在和缺乏利益冲突的情况下的案件中。该法院对国家和市政服务的利益冲突采用类似的方法,尽管国家和市政雇员在法律地位上具有显着差异,而不同的立法行为适用于每种服务。俄罗斯联邦的宪法法院一再解决了有关利益冲突问题的争端。总管辖权法院主要根据行动程序的顺序解决此类案例。但是,当在挑战规范法律行为时,在考虑公共法律关系争议时,法院也应该调查与利益冲突有关的问题。地方当局改变措辞的尝试,超越联邦立法中建立的规范是最常见的违规行为。结论。虽然最高法院关于利益冲突的法律职位通常是相当一致的,但其他领土水平的法院可能对这种情况有不同的立场。因此,我们应该欢迎俄罗斯审查法院审查的最高法院于2014 - 2016年审查俄罗斯联邦的执法立法,以纠纷违反违规的纪律制裁,以违反反 - 立法。


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