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Gender norms and mass deworming program access in Com, Benin: A qualitative assessment of gender-associated opportunities and challenges to achieving high mass drug administration coverage




Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) affect an estimated 1.5 billion people globally. The DeWorm3 Project is investigating if it is possible to interrupt transmission of STH with community-wide deworming of individuals of all ages. We conducted focus group discussions with adult men, women, and community drug distributors (CDDs) in Com, Benin to identify gender-specific facilitators and barriers to accessing and participating in community-wide mass drug administration (MDA) programs. Our findings suggest that door-to-door community-wide MDA may not only improve MDA treatment coverage by increasing access but may also empower women by facilitating increased decision making on behalf of their regarding who is treated and where. Additionally, women may be an untapped resource for strategically reaching missed populations and women reported seeking increased involvement within the deworming of their families. Men did not perceive themselves to be at risk and thus did not have high demand for deworming. Both genders reported that they struggle to afford deworming drugs outside of MDA and that MDA coverage would be higher if treatment was integrated with water and sanitation services. Finally, CDDs generally identified only barriers and facilitators to MDA that were shared by both genders and may require more training to ensure MDA programs are equitable and effectively engage all at risk populations.
机译:土壤传播的Helminths(STH)影响全球估计的125亿人口。 Deverver3项目正在调查如果有可能与所有年龄段的个人的全社区驱逐出现的STH传递。我们与COM,贝宁的成人男性,女性和社区药物分销商(CDDS)进行了焦点小组讨论,以确定进行性别特定的促进者和障碍,以获取和参与社区范围的大众药物管理局(MDA)方案。我们的调查结果表明,门到门社区范围内的MDA可能不仅可以通过增加访问来改善MDA治疗覆盖,而且还可以通过促进妇女代表其接受谁以及在何处提高妇女。此外,妇女可能是一个未开发的资源,用于战略性地达到错过的人口,妇女报告的妇女报告寻求增加在其家庭的驱虫中的参与。男人没有觉得自己有风险,因此没有对驱虫的需求很高。两国家人报告说,他们难以在MDA之外的脱水药物提供,如果治疗与水和卫生服务一体化,MDA覆盖率会更高。最后,CDD通常只确定由双方分享的MDA障碍和促进者,可能需要更多培训,以确保MDA计划公平,有效地互动地互动。



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