首页> 外文期刊>PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases >Long-term persistence of monotypic dengue transmission in small size isolated populations, French Polynesia, 1978-2014

Long-term persistence of monotypic dengue transmission in small size isolated populations, French Polynesia, 1978-2014

机译:小尺寸孤立种群的单调简化传输长期持久性,法国波利尼西亚,1978 - 2014年



Dengue virus is the most significant arthropod-borne virus infecting man. Understanding how long dengue virus can persist in populations of varying size is key to understanding its epidemiology. This is, however, impossible to achieve in settings where dengue is endemic, because of continued human movement and is further complexified by the occurrence of several co-circulating serotypes. By contrast, French Polynesia, an isolated group of 72 inhabited islands in the South Pacific, has had intermittent majoritarily monotypic dengue epidemics since the 1940s and offers a unique opportunity to address questions of viral persistence, turnover and the importance of spatial sub-structure in determining dengue epidemiology. Collating and analyzing a database of laboratory-confirmed dengue cases from across French Polynesia over a 35 year period we were able to show that dengue virus die-out can occur with or without replacement by a new serotype, monotypic transmission of dengue viruses fails to be maintained within small island populations but can persist for years among isolated islands connected via air and sea links. This remarkable long-term persistence of dengue virus in French Polynesia could be maintained by asynchronous viral transmission among connected islands and/or by repeated seeding from a reservoir of sub-clinical infections in the most populated island, Tahiti.



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