首页> 外文期刊>Revisbrato >Terapia Ocupacional e Agroecologia: reflex?es para uma práxis eco-social/Occupational Therapy and Agroecology: reflections for an eco-social praxis

Terapia Ocupacional e Agroecologia: reflex?es para uma práxis eco-social/Occupational Therapy and Agroecology: reflections for an eco-social praxis




This text aims to promote the dialogue between Occupational Therapy, as a field that has been focusing on human occupation, with Agroecology, as an insurgent movement that has been claiming alternative ways of relating to nature and its resources, surpassing the coloniality of nature. It is a work of reflection, having the concepts based mainly on theoretical-practice proposal of the Occupational Therapy eco-social. The occupations of subjects and social groups are related to their ecological placements within an ecosystem, which can be destructive/alienated or sustainable/conscious. Thus, overcome human occupations based on the capitalist paradigm, it is interesting to establish connections between the Agroecology and the Occupational Therapy, in a view of the professional’s ability of thinking and to intervene these occupations, and, therefore, to build spaces for overcoming the occupational patterns based on the capitalist paradigm.



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