首页> 外文期刊>Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions >Statistical features of seismoelectric signals prior to M7.4 Guerrero-Oaxaca earthquake (México)

Statistical features of seismoelectric signals prior to M7.4 Guerrero-Oaxaca earthquake (México)

机译:M7.4 Guerrero-oaxaca地震(México)之前的地震电信号统计特征



In this paper a statistical analysis of seismoelectric ULF signals prior to the M7.4 Guerrero-Oaxaca earthquake (EQ) occurred at the Mexican Pacific coast on 14 September 1995, has been performed. The signals were simultaneously recorded at three monitoring stations from the last months of 1994 until July of 1996. The nonlinear time series methods of Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) have been used. In the three data sets we found some complex dynamical behaviors that seemingly reflect a relaxation-EQ preparation-main shock-relaxation process. In particular, clear spike-like anomalies in both DFA- and HFD-exponents some months before the main shock are revealed.
机译:本文在1995年9月14日在墨西哥太平洋海岸发生了M7.4 Guerrero-oaxaca地震(EQ)之前的地震电ULF信号统计分析。从1994年的最后几个月到1996年7月,在三个监测站上同时记录信号。已经使用了Higuchi分形尺寸(HFD)的非线性时间序列方法和减少波动分析(DFA)。在三个数据集中,我们发现了一些复杂的动态行为,似乎反映了放松 - 方程式制剂 - 主要的冲击放松过程。特别是,在主要休克揭示前几个月,在DFA和HFD-eBONEN中透明钉状异常。



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