首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Human Neuroscience >Unbalancing the Attentional Priority Map via Gaze-Contingent Displays Induces Neglect-Like Visual Exploration

Unbalancing the Attentional Priority Map via Gaze-Contingent Displays Induces Neglect-Like Visual Exploration




Selective spatial attention is a crucial cognitive process that guides us to the behaviorally relevant objects in a complex visual world by using exploratory eye movements. The spatial location of objects, their (bottom-up) saliency and (top-down) relevance is assumed to be encoded in one “attentional priority map” in the brain, using different egocentric (eye-, head- and trunk-centered) spatial reference frames. In patients with hemispatial neglect, this map is supposed to be imbalanced, leading to a spatially biased exploration of the visual environment. As a proof of concept, we altered the visual saliency (and thereby attentional priority) of objects in a naturalistic scene along a left-right spatial gradient and investigated whether this can induce a bias in the exploratory eye movements of healthy humans ( n = 28; all right-handed; mean age: 23 years, range 19–48). We developed a computerized mask, using high-end “gaze-contingent display (GCD)” technology, that immediately and continuously reduced the saliency of objects on the left—“left” with respect to the head (body-centered) and the current position on the retina (eye-centered). In both experimental conditions, task-free viewing and goal-driven visual search, this modification induced a mild but significant bias in visual exploration similar to hemispatial neglect. Accordingly, global eye movement parameters changed (reduced number and increased duration of fixations) and the spatial distribution of fixations indicated an attentional bias towards the right (rightward shift of first orienting, fixations favoring the scene’s outmost right over left). Our results support the concept of an attentional priority map in the brain as an interface between perception and behavior and as one pathophysiological ground of hemispatial neglect.
机译:选择性空间关注是一种至关重要的认知过程,通过使用探索性眼球运动来指导我们在复杂的视觉世界中的行为相关对象。假设使用不同的自我高度(眼睛,头部和主干)的大脑中一个“注意力优先级地图”中的一个“注意力优先级地图”编码的空间位置。空间参考框架。在患有半眼性忽视的患者中,该地图应该是不平衡的,导致对视觉环境的空间偏见探索。作为概念证明,我们沿着左右空间梯度改变了自然主义场景中的视觉显着性(以及由此的注意力优先级),并调查了这一点是否可以在健康人体的探索性眼球运动中诱发偏差(n = 28 ;所有右手;平均年龄:23​​年,范围19-48)。我们开发了一种计算机化面具,使用高端“凝视或者GCD)”技术,即立即且不断降低左侧“左”对象的显着性,相对于头部(以身体为中心)和电流在视网膜上的位置(以眼为中心)。在实验条件下,无任务观看和目标驱动的视觉搜索中,这种修改在类似于半眼性忽视的视觉探索中诱导温和但重要的偏差。因此,全局眼睛运动参数改变(减少数量和提高的固定持续时间),并且固定的空间分布表明朝向右侧的注意力偏差(首次定向的右转,最有利于左侧最大的定影的固定)。我们的结果支持大脑中引入优先级地图的概念,作为感知和行为之间的界面,并且作为半眼性忽视的一个病理生理基础。



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