首页> 外文期刊>EURASIP journal on image and video processing >Image processing algorithm of Hartmann method aberration automatic measurement system with tensor product model

Image processing algorithm of Hartmann method aberration automatic measurement system with tensor product model




Abstract Nowadays, the society has entered the digital information age, and the information contained in the image is far more than the sum of the information contained in other media. In the Internet industry, image processing technology can be used to quickly find the required picture information. Other applications include disaster prevention, industrial automation production lines, semiconductor, electronics, tobacco, and food industries. After the meter glyph spot image is collected, there are several spots in the image, and the corresponding pixel values are stored in memory. In order to process images, they should be distinguished and marked so that the spot has definite eigenvalues. To this end, this paper proposes an image processing method. Firstly, an image denoising method combining self-snake model and P-M model is introduced. Secondly, the recursive HOSVD dimensionality reduction algorithm based on tensor product model is used to further process the image. The center of the Hartmann aperture image is solved by the centroid of all the spots, and the center overlap algorithm for determining the centroid distance of the aperture image by the symmetry of the centroid of the spot centroid can reduce the number of calculations. The experimental results show that this method can effectively identify and process the spot of the image and greatly reduce the time complexity and computational complexity of the algorithm.
机译:摘要如今,社会已进入数字信息时代,图像中包含的信息远远超过其他媒体所含信息的总和。在互联网行业中,图像处理技术可用于快速找到所需的图片信息。其他应用包括防灾,工业自动化生产线,半导体,电子,烟草和食品工业。在收集仪表格栅点图像之后,图像中有几个斑点,并且相应的像素值存储在存储器中。为了处理图像,应分辨并标记它们,以便该点具有明确的特征值。为此,本文提出了一种图像处理方法。首先,介绍了组合自蛇模型和P-M型号的图像去噪方法。其次,使用基于张量产品模型的递归HosVD维度减少算法来进一步处理图像。 Hartmann孔径图像的中心由所有斑点的质心来解决,并且中心重叠算法用于通过点质心的质心对称来确定光圈图像的质心距离可以减少计算的数量。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地识别和处理图像的光斑,大大降低算法的时间复杂性和计算复杂性。



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