首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Using multiple data types and integrated population models to improve our knowledge of apex predator population dynamics

Using multiple data types and integrated population models to improve our knowledge of apex predator population dynamics




Abstract Current management of large carnivores is informed using a variety of parameters, methods, and metrics; however, these data are typically considered independently. Sharing information among data types based on the underlying ecological, and recognizing observation biases, can improve estimation of individual and global parameters. We present a general integrated population model (IPM), specifically designed for brown bears ( Ursus arctos ), using three common data types for bear ( U . spp.) populations: repeated counts, capture?¢????mark?¢????recapture, and litter size. We considered factors affecting ecological and observation processes for these data. We assessed the practicality of this approach on a simulated population and compared estimates from our model to values used for simulation and results from count data only. We then present a practical application of this general approach adapted to the constraints of a case study using historical data available for brown bears on Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA. The IPM provided more accurate and precise estimates than models accounting for repeated count data only, with credible intervals including the true population 94% and 5% of the time, respectively. For the Kodiak population, we estimated annual average litter size (within one year after birth) to vary between 0.45 [95% credible interval: 0.43; 0.55] and 1.59 [1.55; 1.82]. We detected a positive relationship between salmon availability and adult survival, with survival probabilities greater for females than males. Survival probabilities increased from cubs to yearlings to dependent young ?¢???¥2 years old and decreased with litter size. Linking multiple information sources based on ecological and observation mechanisms can provide more accurate and precise estimates, to better inform management. IPMs can also reduce data collection efforts by sharing information among agencies and management units. Our approach responds to an increasing need in bear populations?¢???? management and can be readily adapted to other large carnivores.
机译:摘要通过各种参数,方法和度量来了解大型加管的当前管理;但是,这些数据通常是独立的。基于基础的生态生态学和识别观察偏差,分享数据类型之间的信息可以改善个人和全局参数的估计。我们介绍了一般综合人口模型(IPM),专门为棕熊(URSUS ARCTOS)设计,用于熊(U.SPP。)人群:重复计数,捕获?¢?¢? ??? recapture和凋落物尺寸。我们考虑了影响这些数据的生态和观察过程的因素。我们评估了这种方法对模拟人群的实用性,并将我们的模型与用于模拟和结果的值的估计值相比。然后,我们对这种一般方法的实际应用适应了使用棕熊的历史数据的案例研究的约束,美国阿拉斯加,阿拉斯加,美国。 IPM提供比仅用于重复计数数据的模型更准确和精确的估计,可靠的间隔,包括真正的人口94%和5%的时间。对于科迪亚克人口,我们估计年平均垃圾规模(出生后一年)之间的0.45之间有所不同[95%可信间隔:0.43; 0.55]和1.59 [1.55; 1.82]。我们检测到鲑鱼可用性和成人存活之间的积极关系,女性比男性更大的女性更大的漏证。生存概率从幼崽增加到一岁鸽,依赖年轻人????????????????????????????????????????增加。基于生态和观测机制链接多个信息源可以提供更准确和精确的估计,以更好地提供信息。 IPMS还可以通过在机构和管理单位之间分享信息来减少数据收集工作。我们的方法在熊群体中响应了日益增长的需求?¢????管理层,可以随时适应其他大型食肉动物。


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