首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Surgery Case Reports >Case Report Unorthodox cause of urinary leak post radical prostatectomy: Catheter balloon within a bladder diverticulum – Case report and highlights on various methods to overcome leaks

Case Report Unorthodox cause of urinary leak post radical prostatectomy: Catheter balloon within a bladder diverticulum – Case report and highlights on various methods to overcome leaks

机译:案例报告非正统尿液后泌尿前列腺切除术的原因:膀胱憩室内的导管球囊 - 克服泄漏的各种方法的案例报告和亮点



Introduction Radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer has been increasingly adopted, especially for localized disease. Nevertheless, this has not been without any morbidities. Complications, such as urine leak, related to malpositioned or malfunctional indwelling catheters, are rarely reported. Presentation of case A 75-year-old male underwent an open radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Soon after surgery, he witnessed urine leak and extravasation. Imaging including a plain CT scan with a retrograde cystography, showed the tip of the indwelling catheter within a diverticular pouch of the bladder; itself possessing two anterior diverticular pouches, giving the shape of a “Mickey-Mouse” like bladder. The balloon was deflated, and the Foley catheter was repositioned within the bladder, under fluoroscopy. The urine leak from the surgical wound and through the urethra, completely vanished. Discussion Urinary leak due to indwelling catheter malfunction or malposition, post radical prostatectomy, is very rare. Only one similar case has been reported so far. Vesicourethral anastomotic leak post prostatectomy is commonly seen, and mostly due to disruption in the posterior anastomosis. Risk factors for such leaks are various and may include: large prostate, previous transurethral resections, techniques adopted for anastomosis and bladder neck reconstruction, among others. Most leakage cases resolve spontaneously or using conservative measures. Those requiring more aggressive interventions are a minority. Conclusion Urethrovesical anastomotic leaks are commonly seen after radical prostatectomy. Although most cases are self-limited; others can be managed by various minimally-invasive procedures, diverting urine away from the anastomosis, giving it a chance to properly heal.
机译:引入前列腺癌的根治性前列腺切除术越来越多地采用,特别是对于局部疾病。尽管如此,这并没有没有任何生命。据报道,诸如尿液泄漏的并发症,例如尿液泄漏,也很少报道。案例提出一个75岁的男性接受了前列腺癌的开放自由基前列腺切除术。手术后不久,他目睹了尿液泄漏和外渗。包括普通CT扫描的成像,具有逆行胱缺陷,在膀胱的憩室袋内显示出留置导管的尖端;本身拥有两个前憩袋,给出像膀胱一样的“米奇小鼠”的形状。气球被放气,并且在荧光镜下,粪便导管在膀胱内重新定位。尿液从外科伤口和通过尿道泄漏,完全消失。讨论尿泄漏由于留置导管发生故障或孕口,后术前列腺切除术,是非常罕见的。到目前为止只报告了一个类似的案例。 vesicourethral anastomotic泄漏后前列腺切除术是常见的,并且主要是由于后吻合术中断。这种泄漏的危险因素是各种各样的,可包括:大前列腺,先前的经尿道切除切除,用于吻合术和膀胱颈部重建所采用的技术。大多数泄漏案例自发地解决或使用保守措施。那些需要更具侵略性干预的人是少数群体。结论自由基前列腺切除术后常见地看到注释尿道吻合泄漏。虽然大多数情况都是自我限制的;其他人可以通过各种微创手术管理,从吻合术中转移尿液,使其有机会妥善愈合。



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