首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computer science and network security >Parts of Speech Tagging of Romanized Sindhi Text by applying Rule Based Model

Parts of Speech Tagging of Romanized Sindhi Text by applying Rule Based Model




Role of natural language processing (NLP) in machine learning is very important and its task’s such as Parts?of?Speech (POS) tagging, tokenization of (words, sentences, paragraph) etc. Parts-of-speech tagging performed as a pre-processing steps in natural language processing, such as syntactic parsing, information extraction (IE) and machine translation (MT). The Romanized Sindhi lexicon for computational processing is not available. In this research work of POS tagging of Romanized Sindhi text based on online Python tool were used and performed the task of POS tagging. By applying rule based model for analyzing the text and extract the text from given input text. POS Tagging algorithms were also designed for implementation of Romanized Sindhi Text (RST). Construction of RST data of 100 sentences and these sentences are depends on the (Noun-Verb-Determinant) for POS tagging and have important task towards computational RST processing. The rule based model was used for the POS tagging of RST and it worked in easiest way generate appropriate results of RST. This result will promote the need for further research to perform different task in different domain.
机译:自然语言处理(NLP)在机器学习中的作用非常重要,并且其任务如零件??语音(POS)标记,标记(单词,句子,段落)等。作为预先执行的语音标记零件 - 自然语言处理中的处理步骤,例如句法解析,信息提取(IE)和机器翻译(MT)。罗马化的Sindhi Lexicon用于计算处理。在这项研究工作中,使用基于在线Python工具的罗马化Sindhi文本的POS标记,并执行了POS标记的任务。通过应用基于规则的模型来分析文本并从给定输入文本中提取文本。 POS标记算法也被设计用于实施罗马化Sindhi文本(RST)。 100句话的RST数据建设和这些句子取决于POS标记的(名词 - 动词决定因素),并对计算RST处理具有重要任务。基于规则的模型用于RST的POS标记,它以最简单的方式工作,从而产生RST的适当结果。此结果将促进进一步研究的需要在不同域中执行不同的任务。



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