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Influence of Litter Size at Birth on Productive Parameters in Guinea Pigs ( Cavia porcellus )

机译:凋落物尺寸在豚鼠的生产参数上的影响(Cavia Porcellus)



A study was conducted at the Escuela Superior Politècnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador, to evaluate the influence of litter size of guinea pigs ( Cavia porcellus ) on their development and to establish the economic profitability of the production system. Forty-eight animals were used, distributed into litters of two, three, and four rodents per litter, with a balanced diet and green fresh alfalfa for the weaning, growth, and fattening stage, the rodents and litters were randomly selected, applying the statistical model completely randomly and evaluating different variables across 120 days. The litters of three guinea pigs obtained the best productive responses and economic profitability. With respect to sex, the males presented better productive behavior, greater economic increase, and less cost, evidencing that mixed feeding influences the number of guinea pigs per birth in terms of growth and development. The results serve to improve guinea pig meat production for the rural population.
机译:一项研究是在厄瓜多尔塞尔瓦·高级PolitècinadeChimborazo进行的研究,以评估豚鼠(Cavia Porcellus)凋落物大小对其发展的影响,并建立生产系统的经济盈利能力。使用四十八只动物,分布到每窝的两,三个和四个啮齿动物的窝中,均衡饮食和绿色新鲜苜蓿,用于断奶,生长和育肥阶段,啮齿动物和窝点被随机选择,应用统计模型完全随机,并在120天内评估不同的变量。三只豚鼠的窝获得了最佳的生产力反应和经济盈利能力。关于性行为,雄性呈现出更好的生产性行为,更高的经济增长,更少的成本,证明混合喂养会影响每次出生的生长和发展方面的豚鼠数量。结果有助于改善农村人口的豚鼠生产。



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