首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries >Effects of Fertilization and Harvesting Age on Yield and Quality of Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) Grass Under Irrigation, in Dehana District, Wag Hemra Zone, Ethiopia

Effects of Fertilization and Harvesting Age on Yield and Quality of Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) Grass Under Irrigation, in Dehana District, Wag Hemra Zone, Ethiopia

机译:埃希亚地区Desho(Pennisetum Pedicellum)草灌区灌区产量和品质的影响,埃塞俄比亚



The experiment was conducted to evaluating the effects of fertilizer and harvesting age on agronomic performance, chemical composition and economic feasibility of Desho (Pennisetum Pedicellatum) grass under irrigation, in Ethiopia. A factorial arrangement with four fertilizer types (control, urea, compost and urea + compost), and three harvesting ages (90, 120 and 150) with three replications were used. Data on morphological characteristics of the grass were recorded. Based on the data collected, harvesting age was significantly affected the agronomic parameters of the grass. Plant height (PH), number of tillers per plant (NTPP), number of leaves per plant (NLPP), number of leaves per tiller (NLPT), dry matter yield (DMY), leaf length (LL) and leaf area (LA) were increased with increasing harvesting age, while leaf to stem ratio (LSR) showed a decreasing trend. NDF, ADF and ADL content were also increased with increasing age, while ash declined with age. Fertilizer was also significantly affected the agronomic parameter of Desho grass. A mixture of 50 kg urea (U)/ha and 6,000 kg compost/ha was provided the highest NTPP, NLPP, NLPT, and DMY, while NF (control) was the lowest in all parameters. Highest NDF, ADF, ADL and ash content were recorded at the control group. In general, using a mixture of 50 kg urea (U)/ha and 6,000 kg compost/ha fertilizer is the most important for long-term Desho grass production which provides a high benefit-cost ratio. Further research is needed in different organic and inorganic fertilizer combinations.
机译:对埃塞俄比亚在埃塞俄比亚的灌溉中,评估肥料和收获年龄的影响,评估肥料和收获年龄的影响。使用具有四种肥料类型(对照,尿素,钙和尿素+堆肥)的因子布置,以及三个收获年龄(90,120和150),具有三种复制。记录了草形态特征的数据。根据收集的数据,收获年龄受到显着影响草的农艺参数。植物高度(pH),每株植物的分蘖数(NTPP),每株植物的叶子数(NLPP),每蘖数叶(NLPT),干物质产量(DMY),叶子长度(LL)和叶面积(LA )随着收获年龄的增加而增加,而叶片茎比(LSR)显示出降低趋势。随着年龄的增加,NDF,ADF和ADL含量也增加,而Ash随着年龄的增长而下降。肥料也显着影响了Desho草的农艺参数。为50kg尿素(U)/ ha和6,000 kg堆肥/ ha的混合物提供了最高的NTPP,NLPP,NLPT和DMY,而NF(控制)在所有参数中最低。在对照组中记录最高的NDF,ADF,ADL和灰分含量。通常,使用50kg尿素(U)/ ha和6,000kg堆肥/ ha肥料的混合物对于长期的Desho草生产来说是最重要的,这提供了高益处 - 成本比。在不同的有机和无机肥料组合中需要进一步研究。



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