首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >What we know about arbuscular mycorhizal fungi and associated soil bacteria

What we know about arbuscular mycorhizal fungi and associated soil bacteria




Mycorrhizal fungi are common soil microorganisms and are well known for their symbiotic association with the roots of host plants. The soil is a complex environment harbouring a wide diversity of microorganisms. The interaction between soil bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi has been shown in several studies to be both beneficial in terms of mycorrhizal establishment and as well as plant growth promotion. This has resulted in groups of bacteria being functionally termed Mycorrhizal Helper Bacteria, Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria. Several of these groups overlap and in such a complex environment, it is likely that?the?combinations of microorganisms interacting with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance the benefits that are attributed to the relationship. Many different microorganisms inhabit the soil. This review will focus on the bacterial interactions and their potential use in agricultural biotechnology.



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