




This research believes that understanding the relationship between Interactive Architecture and the principles of biology will become a mainstream research area in future architectural design. Aiming towards achieving the goal of “making architecture as organic bodies”, almost all the current digital techniques in architectural design are executed using computational simulation: digital fabrication technologies and physical computing. Based on its’ main biological inspirations, Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo), this research intends to propose a novel bio-inspired design thinking wherein architecture should become analogs to the growing process of living organisms (Figure 6.1). Instead of being born from static optimization results most of the architecture seems content at aiming for nowadays, this research is looking towards designing dynamic architectural bodies which can adapt to the constantly changing environments and are thus seeking optimization in real-time. In other words, architecture should come “alive” as a living creature in order to actively optimize itself with respect to dynamic environmental conditions and user behavior’ requirements in real-time. Following the notion of “architecture as organic bodies”, six major topics were derived from the publication of “New Wombs: Electric Bodies and Architectural Disorders” (Palumbo, 2000). These topics are aimed at initiating critical discussions between body and space, which, are used here to re-interpret sixnbsp;main traits of being an interactive architecture: Dis-measurement, Uprooting, Fluidity, Visceral Nature, Virtuality, and Sensitivity. These six topics merge diverse key points from aforementioned chapters including outlining the vision of active interacting architecture, the transformation of human bodies under digital culture, the profound biological inspiration from Evo-Devo and the fundamental componential notion of swarm, which leads to the ultimate notion of embodying organic body-like interactive Bio-architecture.Dis-measurement: Acknowledging the premise of “architecture (technology) as an extension of human bodies” proposed by Marshall McLuhan (McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964), it is, still difficult to explicitly define the boundary of a space, especially in the context of a borderless cyberspace (the Internet). Space in such a context expands more than ever before and thus makes traditional measurements techniques unfeasible. With cyberspace, people can be virtually present in different places at the same time, thus breaking existing physical boundaries of a space. From another point of view, space as an extension of our bodies constantly adapting to environmental conditions and user demands, creates an intimate linkage between physical bodies and spatial bodies. Interaction in such instances can be seen from a micro-scale: between biological cells and intelligent architectural components to the macro-scale: between physical organic bodies and spatial bodies/architectural space.Uprooting: Apart from further extending the “Dis-measurement” idea by directly plugging into cyberspace (the Internet), “Uprooting” is also interpreted as adaptation devoid of any site/location constraints. In other words, the idea of “Uprooting” implies, generating an architecture that can adjust/modify in accordance with its existing surroundings by interactions between its smallest intelligent components like cells in a body searching for dynamic equilibrium. In this case, architecture has no particular reason to be designed as “rooted” on sites.Fluidity: With the neural system inside the body, most of the messages can be transmitted, received and sent within less than a millionth of a second. To envision architecture as an information processor, which has abilities to react to dynamic environmental conditions and user demands, efficient information protocols must be built into such an organic architectural body to create seamless exterior/interior transformations.Visceral Nature: Visceral can be interpreted in the form of an embodied organ. This implies envisioning architecture in the form of a living-entity. It is no longer the case of mimicking a natural form and thus claiming a building to be organic, but rather instigates one to look deeper into the principles of a natural form’s morphogenesisnbsp;and apply these to generate a truly organic space. Through the study of Evo-Devo, several principles will be applied to generate an interactive organic Bio-architecture. It is thus not an organic looking shape that matters, but the principles behind the shape, which matter. For instance, principles of self-organization, self-assembly, and self-adaptation, providing possibilities of making body-like architectures with multi-directional and multi-modal communications both inside out and outside in. An intelligent architecture, should “live” in the environment just as how the body lives with its’ Visceral Nature.Virtualit
机译:本研究认为,了解交互式建筑与生物学原则之间的关系将成为未来建筑设计中的主流研究领域。旨在实现“制造架构作为有机体”的目标,几乎所有当前的建筑设计中的数字技术都是使用计算仿真执行的:数字制造技术和物理计算。基于其主要生物启示,进化发展生物学(Evo-Devo),本研究打算提出一种新的生物启发设计思维,其中建筑应该成为生物生物的生长过程的模拟(图6.1)。而不是出生于静态优化结果的大部分建筑似乎满足于目的,这项研究正在寻找设计动态架构体,这可以适应不断变化的环境,因此实时寻求优化。换句话说,架构应该“活着”作为生物,以便实际地在动态环境条件和用户行为的要求方面积极优化自己。在“建筑为有机体”的概念之后,六大主题源于“新的子宫:电尸体和建筑紊乱”(Palumbo,2000)。这些主题旨在启动身体和空间之间的关键讨论,该讨论在这里用于重新解释SixnBSP;作为交互式架构的主要特征:DIS测量,拔除,流动性,内脏性质,虚拟性和敏感性。这六个主题合并了上述章节的不同关键点,包括概述了积极互动建筑的愿景,​​数字文化下的人体转变,来自evo-devo的深刻生物启示以及群体的基本成分概念,这导致了最终的概念体现有机身体形式的互动生物建筑。DIS-MORUTION:Marshall MCLUHAN(MCLUHAN,了解媒体:MAN,1964)的扩展,承认“建筑(技术)作为人体延伸的前提”仍然难以明确定义空间的边界,尤其是在无边界网络空间(互联网)的上下文中。在这种情况下的空间比以往任何时候都更扩展,从而使传统的测量技术不可行。对于网络空间,人们可以同时存在于不同的地方,从而打破了空间的现有物理边界。从另一个角度来看,空间作为我们的身体的延伸,不断适应环境条件和用户需求,创造了物理体和空间体之间的紧密联系。这些情况的相互作用可以从微尺度看出:生物细胞和智能架构组件到宏观规模:物理有机体和空间体/建筑空间之间。分开:除了进一步延伸“分类测量”的想法之外通过直接插入网络空间(Internet),“拔除”也被解释为适应没有任何网站/位置约束的适应。换句话说,“拔除”的思想意味着,产生可以根据其现有周围环境通过其最小智能组件之间的相互作用来调整/修改的架构,如图所示的动态平衡。在这种情况下,架构没有特别理由被设计为“rooted”在站点上被设计为“rooted”。在身体内部的神经系统,大多数消息都可以在小于百万分之一的秒内传输和发送。为了设想架构作为信息处理器,它具有对动态环境条件和用户需求作出反应的能力,必须建立在这样的有机架构体中的有效信息协议,以创建无缝的外部/室内变换。维耳面的性质:内脏可以解释体现器官的形式。这意味着以生物实体的形式设想架构。它不再是模仿自然形式的情况,并因此要求建筑物是有机的,而是煽动一个人看起来更深入地看待自然形式的形态学的原则;并应用这些来产生真正有机空间。通过对Evo-Devo的研究,将应用几个原则来产生交互式有机生物架构。因此,这不是一种有机看起来重要的形状,而是形状背后的原则,这是重要的。例如,自组织,自组装和自适应的原则,提供制作身体架构的可能性,其中包括内外和外部的多向和多模态通信。智能架构,应该“Live”在环境中,正如身体如何与其“内脏的性质一样.Virtualit



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