Deafness brings consequences to deaf people's life as well as to their families, who usually has its dynamic changed in the struggle to adapt to the new needs and demands. I'/> Deafness, social network and social protection
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Deafness, social network and social protection




> size="2" face="Verdana">Deafness brings consequences to deaf people's life as well as to their families, who usually has its dynamic changed in the struggle to adapt to the new needs and demands. In this sense, the families not only use their internal resources, but also, they look for help and support out of their group, in their social network. The goal of this paper is to describe the social network used by families with a deaf member in their everyday life. Also, it discusses the meaning of these networks in the framework of social protection. A qualitative research was developed, using a semi-structured interview to collect data. Eighteen parents of deaf children or teenager assisted at a center of rehabilitation were interviewed. Mapping the networks of relationships and social resources that the families of a deaf person use to deal with deafness showed the interconnection between family members, other relatives, friends, neighbors, professionals, private and public services. The networks play an important role of support and social protection to the deaf person's family in the everyday life.
机译:> size =“2”面部=“Verdana”>耳聋为聋人的生活以及他们的家人带来后果,他们通常在斗争中变化,以适应新的需求和要求。从这个意义上讲,家庭不仅使用他们的内部资源,而且,他们在社交网络中寻找群体的帮助和支持。本文的目标是描述家庭在日常生活中具有聋人成员使用的社交网络。此外,它讨论了这些网络在社会保护框架中的含义。使用半结构化访谈来收集数据来开发定性研究。采访了聋哑儿童或少年的十八父母接受了助攻康复中心。映射关系和社会资源的网络,即聋人用来处理耳聋的家庭展示了家庭成员,其他亲属,朋友,邻居,专业人士,私人和公共服务之间的互连。该网络在日常生活中对聋人的家人发挥着支持和社会保护的重要作用。



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