首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Infectious Diseases >Successful Use of Ertapenem for the Treatment of Enterobacter cloacae Complex Infection of the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Successful Use of Ertapenem for the Treatment of Enterobacter cloacae Complex Infection of the Central Nervous System (CNS)




A 55-year-old female with a past medical history of cocaine use and hypertension was admitted for intracranial hemorrhage requiring right decompressive craniotomy with duraplasty. Due to persistent fevers, a head CT scan obtained on day 28 of hospitalization identified a low-density subgaleal fluid collection overlying the duraplasty. Aspiration of this collection was sent for culture which grew 2+ Enterobacter cloacae complex susceptible to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (SMX-TMP), gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and ertapenem. Based on these results, the patient was transitioned from empiric vancomycin and ceftazidime to SMX-TMP and metronidazole. Despite treatment with SMX-TMP and metronidazole, aspirated subgaleal collection cultures remained positive for E. cloacae. Intrathecal gentamicin was therefore added; however, repeat subgaleal culture collections remained persistently positive. Given the persistently positive subgaleal culture collections, the patient was transitioned from SMX-TMP and metronidazole to ertapenem. After transition to ertapenem, subgaleal cultures were sterilized and the patient’s infection was resolved. This report suggests ertapenem may be a viable option for central nervous system infections; however, further study is needed.
机译:一位55岁的女性患有过去的可卡因使用和高血压病史的女性被颅内出血所需,需要对杜勒斯术进行正确的减压开颅术。由于持续的FEVERS,在住院时间的第28天获得的头CT扫描鉴定了覆盖杜勒斯术的低密度骨液流体收集。将本系列的愿望被送入培养,含有2个以上的肠杆菌复合物,易于磺胺甲恶唑 - Trimethoplim(SMX-TMP),庆大霉素,环丙沙星和ertapeNem。基于这些结果,患者从经验性万古霉素和头孢他啶转变为SMX-TMP和甲硝唑。尽管用SMX-TMP和甲硝唑治疗,但吸入的骨瘫培养物对E. Cloacae保持阳性。因此增加了鞘内庆大霉素;然而,重复骨瘫培养收集仍然保持持续积极。鉴于持续阳性骨瘫培养物收集,患者从SMX-TMP和甲硝唑转变为ERTAPENEM。过渡到ErtapeNem后,将肝肿培养灭菌,患者的感染得到解决。本报告表明,ErtapeNem可能是中枢神经系统感染的可行选择;但是,需要进一步研究。



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