首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma >Higher Risk of Mortality in Intentional Traumatic Injuries; A Multivariate Regression Analysis of a Trauma Registry

Higher Risk of Mortality in Intentional Traumatic Injuries; A Multivariate Regression Analysis of a Trauma Registry




Objectives: To assess whether intentional traumatic injuries are associated with higher mortality rate when compared to unintentional injuries. Methods: Data from SweTrau (Swedish National Trauma Registry). Information regarding age, gender, injury severity score (ISS), new injury severity score (NISS), Glasgow coma scale (GCS), systolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate were collected via “SweTrau”. “Mortality within 30 days of injury” was defined as having been registered as dead within 30 days following the injury. Intentional injuries compared to non-intentional injuries. Multivariate regression analysis was conducted. Stepwise forward and backward regression was conducted. Results: A total number of 3875 patients were included. There were 3613 (93%) non-intentional and 262 (7%) intentional patients. The 30-day mortality rate was higher in the intentional group compared to non-intentional group, 10% vs. 4% (p0.001). Patients in the intentional group were younger than the non-intentional group, at 39±18 vs. 47±21 years old (p0.001). In both, the forward and backward tests injury intention remained statistically significant with OR 2 (CI 1.1-3.7). Shock (OR 4.7, CI 2.9-7.8), Severe Head Injury (OR 8.9, CI 5.3-14.7), Age ≥ 60 (OR 6.7, CI 4.1-10.8), ISS ≥16 (OR 10.8, CI 6.9-16.9) and ASA (OR 3.5, CI 2.2-5.7) were other factors affecting mortality. Conclusion: Injury intention was an independent factor contributing to mortality in our study. This particular cohort needs further attention during trauma management with a holistic insight to improve their survival.
机译:目标:与无意伤害相比,评估有意创伤损伤是否与死亡率较高有关。方法:Swetrau(瑞典国家创伤登记处)。有关年龄,性别,伤害严重程度评分(ISS),新伤害严重程度评分(NIS),Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS),收缩压和呼吸率的信息,通过“Swetrau”收集。 “伤害30天内的死亡率”被定义为在受伤后30天内被登记为死亡。与非故意伤害相比,故意伤害。进行多元回归分析。进行逐步前进和后退回归。结果:包括3875名患者的总数。有3613(93%)非故意和262名(7%)故意患者。与非故意组相比,有意组30天死亡率较高,10%对4%(P <0.001)。故意组的患者比非故意组更年轻,39±18与47±21岁(P <0.001)。在两者中,前后测试损伤意图仍然存在统计学意义或2(CI 1.1-3.7)。休克(或4.7,CI 2.9-7.8),严重头部损伤(或8.9,CI 5.3-14.7),年龄≥60(或6.7,CI 4.1-10.8),ISS≥16(或10.8,CI 6.9-16.9)和ASA(或3.5,CI 2.2-5.7)是影响死亡率的其他因素。结论:伤害意图是我们研究中促进死亡率的独立因素。这种特殊的队列在创伤管理期间需要进一步关注,并具有整体洞察力来改善他们的生存。



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