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Helminth infections and type 2 diabetes: a cluster-randomized placebo controlled SUGARSPIN trial in Nangapanda, Flores, Indonesia




Insulin resistance is a strong predictor of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chronic helminth infections might protect against insulin resistance via a caloric restriction state and indirectly via T-helper-2 polarization of the immune system. Therefore the elimination of helminths might remove this beneficial effect on insulin resistance. To determine whether soil-transmitted helminth infections are associated with a better whole-body insulin sensitivity and whether this protection is reversible by anthelmintic treatment, a household-based cluster-randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in the area of Nangapanda on Flores Island, Indonesia, an area endemic for soil-transmitted helminth infections. The trial incorporates three monthly treatment with albendazole or matching placebo for one year, whereby each treatment round consists of three consecutive days of supervised drug intake. The presence of soil-transmitted helminths will be evaluated in faeces using microscopy and/or PCR. The primary outcome of the study will be changes in insulin resistance as assessed by HOMA-IR, while the secondary outcomes will be changes in body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood glucose, 2?h-glucose levels after oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1c, serum lipid levels, immunological parameters, and efficacy of anthelmintic treatment. The study will provide data on the effect of helminth infections on insulin resistance. It will assess the relationship between helminth infection status and immune responses as well as metabolic parameters, allowing the establishment of a link between inflammation and whole-body metabolic homeostasis. In addition, it will give information on anthelmintic treatment efficacy and effectiveness. This study has been approved by the ethical committee of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (ref: 549/H2.F1/ETIK/2013), and has been filed by the ethics committee of Leiden University Medical Center, clinical trial number: ISRCTN75636394 . The study is reported in accordance with the CONSORT guidelines for cluster-randomised trials.
机译:胰岛素抵抗是2型糖尿病发育的强烈预测因素。慢性蠕虫感染可能通过热量限制状态和间接通过免疫系统的T辅助-2偏振来保护胰岛素抵抗。因此,消除蠕虫可能消除对胰岛素抵抗的这种有益效果。为了确定土壤传播的蠕虫感染是否与较好的全身胰岛素敏感性相关,以及这种保护是否通过anthelmintic治疗是可逆的,在南巴达的地区进行了基于家用的簇随机化,双盲,安慰剂对照试验在Flores Island,印度尼西亚,土壤传播蠕虫感染的区域特有。该试验含有三个月的每月治疗阿尔贝扎唑或匹配安慰剂一年,其中每个治疗赛包括连续三天监督药物摄入量。使用显微镜和/或PCR在粪便中评估土壤传播的蠕虫的存在。该研究的主要结果将是由HOMA-IR评估的胰岛素抵抗的变化,而二次结果将变化体重指数,腰围,空腹血糖,口服葡萄糖耐量试验后的2〜H-葡萄糖水平, HBA1C,血清脂质水平,免疫参数和吻合治疗的疗效。该研究将提供关于蠕虫感染对胰岛素抵抗的影响的数据。它将评估蠕虫感染状态和免疫应答之间的关系以及代谢参数,允许建立炎症和全身代谢稳态之间的联系。此外,它将提供有关Anthelmintic治疗疗效和有效性的信息。本研究已由印度尼西亚大学(参考文献:549 / H2.F1 / ETIK / 2013)批准的医学伦理委员会,并由莱顿大学医学中心的伦理委员会提出,临床试验号:ISRCTN75636394。本研究符合组合随机试验的联合指南。


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