首页> 外文期刊>BMC Evolutionary Biology >Evolutionary history of Serpulaceae (Basidiomycota): molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and evidence for a single transition of nutritional mode

Evolutionary history of Serpulaceae (Basidiomycota): molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and evidence for a single transition of nutritional mode




Background The fungal genus Serpula (Serpulaceae, Boletales) comprises several saprotrophic (brown rot) taxa, including the aggressive house-infecting dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans. Recent phylogenetic analyses have indicated that the ectomycorrhiza forming genera Austropaxillus and Gymnopaxillus cluster within Serpula. In this study we use DNA sequence data to investigate phylogenetic relationships, historical biogeography of, and nutritional mode transitions in Serpulaceae. Results Our results corroborate that the two ectomycorrhiza-forming genera, Austropaxillus and Gymnopaxillus, form a monophyletic group nested within the saprotrophic genus Serpula, and that the Serpula species S. lacrymans and S. himantioides constitute the sister group to the Austropaxillus-Gymnopaxillus clade. We found that both vicariance (Beringian) and long distance dispersal events are needed to explain the phylogeny and current distributions of taxa within Serpulaceae. Our results also show that the transition from brown rot to mycorrhiza has happened only once in a monophyletic Serpulaceae, probably between 50 and 22 million years before present. Conclusions This study supports the growing understanding that the same geographical barriers that limit plant- and animal dispersal also limit the spread of fungi, as a combination of vicariance and long distance dispersal events are needed to explain the present patterns of distribution in Serpulaceae. Our results verify the transition from brown rot to ECM within Serpulaceae between 50 and 22 MyBP.
机译:背景技术真菌属(Serpulaceae,Boletales)包含若干肌萎缩(棕色腐烂)分类群,包括侵略性的房屋感染干燥真菌血清胶囊。最近的系统发育分析表明,在裂片之下的Eccoycorrhiza形成属Austropaxillus和Gymnopaxillus簇。在这项研究中,我们使用DNA序列数据来研究锯齿星的系统发育关系,历史生物地理和营养模式过渡。结果我们的结果证实了两种外胚层形成的属,Austhopaxillus和Gymnopaxillus,形成嵌套在Saprot养殖属植物中的单胞小组,并且血清种类S. Lacrymans和S. Hemantioides构成了Astractopaxillus-Gymnopaxillus的姐妹组。我们发现,需要两种裁剪(Beringian)和长距离分散事件来解释Serpulaceae内的产卵系统和当前分布。我们的研究结果还表明,从棕色腐的过渡到菌根菌已经发生一次,只有一次在单次蛇形素,可能在出席前50%到2200万年。结论本研究支持越来越多的理解,即限制植物和动物分散的相同地理障碍也限制了真菌的蔓延,因为需要裁剪和长距离分散事件的组合来解释锯齿星中的当前分布模式。我们的结果验证了棕色腐的过渡到50到22 MyBP之间的Serpulacea内的ECM。



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