首页> 外文期刊>SN Applied Sciences >Effect of various flow, sediment and geometrical parameters on partially or fully submerged deck scour

Effect of various flow, sediment and geometrical parameters on partially or fully submerged deck scour


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The effect of various parameters of flow, sediment and geometric features of the bridge on the depth and shape of thescour hole occurred underneath a bridge deck model without a pier was investigated by a series of experiments conductedin a flume under partially and fully submerged flow and clear water conditions. The experiments were performedwith factors such as approach flow depth, discharge, sediment size, degree of submergence, girder location and depth. Atotal of 112 experiments were conducted for both partially and fully submerged flow conditions. The experimental datashowed that the partially submerged flow increased the maximum depth of scour hole and affected the shape of thescour hole more when compared to the fully submerged flow. It was also noted that parameters that directly affectedflow structure in the bridge opening such as girder height might significantly increase the maximum depth of scourhole. Effect of the distance between a single girder and the bridge edge was also tested by using three different girderlocation and it was found that as the distance increased, the depth of the scour hole decreased and the location of themaximum scour depth moved with the girder to where the contraction in the flow area occurred.



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