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High-pressure minerals in eucrite suggest a small source crater on Vesta




High-pressure minerals in meteorites are important records of shock events that have affected the surfaces of planets and asteroids. A widespread distribution of impact craters has been observed on the Vestan surface. However, very few high-pressure minerals have been discovered in Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) meteorites. Here we present the first evidence of tissintite, vacancy-rich clinopyroxene, and super-silicic garnet in the eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 8003. Combined with coesite and stishovite, the presence of these high-pressure minerals and their chemical compositions reveal that solidification of melt veins in NWA 8003 began at a pressure of ~10?GPa and ceased when the pressure dropped to ~8.5?GPa. The shock temperature in the melt veins exceeded 1900?°C. Simulation results show that shock events that create impact craters of ~3?km in diameter (subject to a factor of 2 uncertainty) are associated with sufficiently high pressures to account for the occurrence of the high-pressure minerals observed in NWA 8003. This indicates that HED meteorites containing similar high-pressure minerals should be observed more frequently than previously thought.
机译:陨石中的高压矿物是影响行星和小行星表面的冲击事件的重要记录。在VESTAN表面上观察到了对冲峡谷的广泛分布。然而,在多伦特突 - 欧霉丁系统 - 血液石材(铰接)陨石中已经发现了很少的高压矿物质。在这里,我们介绍了历史型,空置的富含Chrosopyroxene和超级硅质石榴石的第一个证据,在欧洲咖啡座西北非洲(NWA)8003中。结合柠檬酸纤维岩,这些高压矿物质的存在及其化学组成揭示了凝固在NWA 8003中的熔体静脉开始在>〜10?GPA的压力下,当压力降至<〜8.5℃时停止。熔体静脉中的冲击温度超过1900?°C。仿真结果表明,在直径〜3 km的冲击陨落射流器(受到2倍)的冲击事件与足够高的压力有关,以考虑在NWA 8003中观察到的高压矿物质。这表明含有类似的高压矿物的蜂窝陨石应该比以前想象更频繁地观察到。



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