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Hybrid quantum linear equation algorithm and its experimental test on IBM Quantum Experience

机译:混合量子线性方程组算法及其在IBM Quantum Experience上的实验测试



We propose a hybrid quantum algorithm based on the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm for solving a system of linear equations. In this paper, we show that our hybrid algorithm can reduce a circuit depth from the original HHL algorithm by means of a classical information feed-forward after the quantum phase estimation algorithm, and the results of the hybrid algorithm are identical to those of the HHL algorithm. In addition, it is experimentally examined with four qubits in the IBM Quantum Experience setups, and the experimental results of our algorithm show higher accurate performance on specific systems of linear equations than that of the HHL algorithm.
机译:我们提出一种基于Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd(HHL)算法的混合量子算法,用于求解线性方程组。在本文中,我们证明了我们的混合算法可以通过量子相位估计算法之后的经典信息前馈来减少原始HHL算法的电路深度,并且混合算法的结果与HHL的结果相同算法。此外,它在IBM Quantum Experience设置中以四个qubits进行了实验检验,并且我们的算法的实验结果表明,在特定线性方程组上,与HHL算法相比,该算法的准确度更高。



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