首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Co-overexpression of AVP1 and OsSIZ1 in Arabidopsis substantially enhances plant tolerance to drought, salt, and heat stresses

Co-overexpression of AVP1 and OsSIZ1 in Arabidopsis substantially enhances plant tolerance to drought, salt, and heat stresses




Abiotic stresses such as water deficit, salt, and heat are major environmental factors that negatively affect plant growth, development, and productivity. Previous studies showed that overexpression of the Arabidopsis vacuolar Hsup+/sup-pyrophosphatase gene AVP1 increases salt and water deficit stress tolerance and overexpression of the rice SUMO E3 ligase gene OsSIZ1 improves heat and water deficit stress tolerance in transgenic plants. In this report, the effects of co-overexpression of AVP1 and OsSIZ1 in Arabidopsis on abiotic stress tolerance were studied. It was found that AVP1/OsSIZ1 co-overexpressing plants performed significantly better than AVP1-overexpressing plants and OsSIZ1-overexpressing plants, and produced 100% more seed than wild-type plants under single stress or multiple stress conditions. The increased stress tolerance in AVP1/OsSIZ1 co-overexpressing plants was substantially larger than the increased stress tolerance in AVP1-overexpressing plants and OsSIZ1-overexpressing plants under every abiotic stress condition tested. This research provides the proof-of-concept that crop yields might be substantially improved using this approach.
机译:水分不足,盐分和热量等非生物胁迫是对植物生长,发育和生产力产生负面影响的主要环境因素。以往的研究表明,拟南芥液泡H + -焦磷酸酶基因AVP1的过表达提高了盐和水分亏缺胁迫的耐性,水稻SUMO E3连接酶基因OsSIZ1的过表达提高了转基因植物的耐热和水分亏缺胁迫的耐受性。在此报告中,研究了拟南芥中AVP1和OsSIZ1共表达对非生物胁迫的耐受性。已发现,AVP1 / OsSIZ1共同表达植物的表现明显优于AVP1过度表达植物和OsSIZ1过度表达植物,在单胁迫或多胁迫条件下,种子的产量比野生型植物高100%。在每种非生物胁迫条件下,AVP1 / OsSIZ1共表达植物提高的胁迫耐受性明显大于AVP1过表达植物和OsSIZ1表达过量的植物提高的胁迫耐受性。这项研究提供了使用这种方法可以显着提高作物产量的概念证明。



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