首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Satellite NO2 retrievals suggest China has exceeded its NOx reduction goals from the twelfth Five-Year Plan

Satellite NO2 retrievals suggest China has exceeded its NOx reduction goals from the twelfth Five-Year Plan




China's twelfth Five-Year Plan included pollution control measures with a goal of reducing national emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 10% by 2015 compared with 2010. Multiple linear regression analysis was used on 11-year time series of all nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pixels from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) over 18 NO2 hotspots in China. The regression analysis accounted for variations in meteorology, pixel resolution, seasonal effects, weekday variability and year-to-year variability. The NO2 trends suggested that there was an increase in NO2 columns in most areas from 2005 to around 2011 which was followed by a strong decrease continuing through 2015. The satellite results were in good agreement with the annual official NOx emission inventories which were available up until 2014. This shows the value of evaluating trends in emission inventories using satellite retrievals. It further shows that recent control strategies were effective in reducing emissions and that recent economic transformations in China may be having an effect on NO2 columns. Satellite information for 2015 suggests that emissions have continued to decrease since the latest inventories available and have surpassed the goals of the twelfth Five-Year Plan.
机译:中国的“十二五”规划包括污染控制措施,目标是到2015年将全国氮氧化物(NOx)排放量与2010年相比减少10%。对所有二氧化氮(NO2)的11年时间序列进行多元线性回归分析)来自中国18个NO2热点的臭氧监测仪(OMI)的像素。回归分析考虑了气象学,像素分辨率,季节性影响,工作日变异性和逐年变异性的变化。 NO2趋势表明,从2005年到2011年左右,大多数地区的NO2色谱柱数量都有所增加,随后到2015年,NO2色谱柱数量持续大幅减少。卫星结果与每年的官方NOx排放量清单非常吻合。 2014年。这显示了使用卫星检索评估排放清单趋势的价值。它进一步表明,最近的控制策略在减少排放方面是有效的,而且中国最近的经济转型可能会对二氧化氮塔产生影响。 2015年的卫星信息表明,自最新库存以来,排放量一直在减少,已经超过了“十二五”计划的目标。



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