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Exploring the induction of preproinsulin-specific Foxp3+ CD4+ Treg cells that inhibit CD8+ T cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes by DNA vaccination

机译:探索通过DNA疫苗诱导胰岛素原前特异性Foxp3 + CD4 + Treg细胞抑制CD8 + T细胞介导的自身免疫性糖尿病



DNA vaccination is a promising strategy to induce effector T cells but also regulatory Foxp3(+) CD25(+) CD4(+) Treg cells and inhibit autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes. Little is known about the antigen requirements that facilitate priming of Treg cells but not autoreactive effector CD8(+) T cells. We have shown that the injection of preproinsulin (ppins)-expressing pCI/ppins vector into PD-1- or PD-L1-deficient mice induced K(b)/A12-21-monospecific CD8(+) T cells and autoimmune diabetes. A pCI/ppinsΔA12-21 vector (lacking the critical K(b)/A12-21 epitope) did not induce autoimmune diabetes but elicited a systemic Foxp3(+) CD25(+) Treg cell immunity that suppressed diabetes induction by a subsequent injection of the diabetogenic pCI/ppins. TGF-β expression was significantly enhanced in the Foxp3(+) CD25(+) Treg cell population of vaccinated/ppins-primed mice. Ablation of Treg cells in vaccinated/ppins-primed mice by anti-CD25 antibody treatment abolished the protective effect of the vaccine and enabled diabetes induction by pCI/ppins. Adoptive transfer of Treg cells from vaccinated/ppins-primed mice into PD-L1(-/-) hosts efficiently suppressed diabetes induction by pCI/ppins. We narrowed down the Treg-stimulating domain to a 15-residue ppins76-90 peptide. Vaccine-induced Treg cells thus play a crucial role in the control of de novo primed autoreactive effector CD8(+) T cells in this diabetes model.
机译:DNA疫苗接种是一种有前途的策略,既可以诱导效应T细胞,又可以调控Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+)Treg细胞并抑制自身免疫性疾病,例如1型糖尿病。关于促进Treg细胞启动而不是自身反应性效应CD8(+)T细胞启动的抗原要求知之甚少。我们已经表明,将表达前胰岛素原(ppins)的pCI / ppins载体注射到PD-1或PD-L1缺陷型小鼠中会诱导K(b)/ A12-21-单特异性CD8(+)T细胞和自身免疫性糖尿病。 pCI /ppinsΔA12-21载体(缺少关键的K(b)/ A12-21表位)不会诱导自身免疫性糖尿病,但会引发系统性的Foxp3(+)CD25(+)Treg细胞免疫,通过随后注射来抑制糖尿病诱导致糖尿病的pCI / ppins。 TGF-β的表达明显增加了Foxp3(+)CD25(+)Treg细胞的接种疫苗/铅引发的小鼠。通过抗CD25抗体治疗消灭了接种过疫苗/ ppins疫苗的小鼠中的Treg细胞,消除了疫苗的保护作用,并通过pCI / ppins诱导了糖尿病。 Treg细胞从接种疫苗/疫苗致敏小鼠的过继转移到PD-L1(-/-)宿主中,有效抑制了pCI / ppins对糖尿病的诱导。我们将Treg刺激域缩小到15个残基的ppins76-90肽。因此,在这种糖尿病模型中,疫苗诱导的Treg细胞在从头引发的自身反应性效应CD8(+)T细胞的控制中起着关键作用。



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