首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Human wild-type full-length tau accumulation disrupts mitochondrial dynamics and the functions via increasing mitofusins

Human wild-type full-length tau accumulation disrupts mitochondrial dynamics and the functions via increasing mitofusins




Intracellular accumulation of tau protein is hallmark of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD), however, the cellular mechanism whereby tau accumulation causes neurodegeneration is poorly understood. Here we report that overexpression of human wild-type full-length tau (termed htau) disrupted mitochondrial dynamics by enhancing fusion and induced their perinuclear accumulation in HEK293 cells and rat primary hippocampal neurons. The htau accumulation at later stage inhibited mitochondrial functions shown by the decreased ATP level, the ratio of ATP/ADP and complex I activity. Simultaneously, the cell viability was decreased with retraction of the cellulareuronal processes. Further studies demonstrated that htau accumulation increased fusion proteins, including OPA1 and mitofusins (Mfn1, Mfn2) and reduced the ubiquitination of Mfn2. Downregulation of the mitofusins by shRNA to ~45% or ~52% of the control levels attenuated the htau-enhanced mitochondrial fusion and restored the functions, while downregulation of OPA1 to ~50% of the control level did not show rescue effects. Finally, abnormal mitochondrial accumulation and dysfunction were also observed in the brains of htau transgenic mice. Taken together, our data demonstrate that htau accumulation decreases cell viability and causes degeneration via enhancing mitofusin-associated mitochondrial fusion, which provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tauopathies.
机译:tau蛋白在细胞内的积累是偶发性阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)的标志,但是,人们对tau积累引起神经退行性变的细胞机制了解甚少。在这里,我们报道人类野生型全长tau(称为htau)的过表达通过增强融合作用破坏了线粒体动力学,并诱导了其在HEK293细胞和大鼠原代海马神经元中的核周蓄积。 ATP含量降低,ATP / ADP比值和复合物I活性降低表明,后期的htau积累抑制了线粒体功能。同时,细胞活力随着细胞/神经元过程的退缩而降低。进一步的研究表明,htau积累可增加融合蛋白,包括OPA1和丝裂霉素(Mfn1,Mfn2),并减少Mfn2的泛素化。 shRNA将线粒体融合素下调至对照水平的〜45%或〜52%减弱了htau增强的线粒体融合并恢复了功能,而OPA1下调至对照水平的〜50%则没有显示出挽救作用。最后,在htau转基因小鼠的大脑中也观察到异常的线粒体积累和功能障碍。两者合计,我们的数据表明htau积累降低细胞活力并通过增强与线粒体相关的线粒体融合而引起变性,从而为tauopathies的分子机制提供了新的见解。



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