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APS -APS March Meeting 2017 - Event - Open quantum systems, non-Hermitian systems: Bound states in continuum vs. spectral singularities

机译:APS -APS 2017年3月会议-活动-开放量子系统,非Hermitian系统:连续谱中的束缚态与光谱奇异性



Bound states residing directly in the scattering continuum were first predicted in 1929 [1] but only verified in optical waveguide array experiments quite recently. In this talk, we analyze a model for one such experiment [2] to demonstrate that the {it bound state in continuum} can be viewed as a resonance state for which the imaginary part of the complex eigenvalue vanishes as a result of quantum interference at specific parameter values. We then introduce a non-Hermitian extension of this model that incorporates a localized energy input into the array. We show that the energy input can again be used to push the resonance state into the continuum, but in this case it results in a standing wave that extends throughout the array. This resonance embedded in the continuum is also referred to as a {it spectral singularity} in part because the transmission diverges at the embedded energy [3]; hence, this state is equivalent to a lasing mode. As an application, we show how the lasing condition can be obtained with an arbitrarily small energy input.[1] J. von Neumann and E. Wigner, Phys. Z. {f 30}, 465 (1929);[2] Y. Plotnik, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {f 107}, 183901 (2011);[3] S. Garmon, M. Gianfreda, and N. Hatano, Phys. Rev. A {f 92}, 022125 (2015).
机译:直接存在于散射连续体中的束缚态是在1929年首次预测的[1],但直到最近才在光波导阵列实验中得到验证。在本次演讲中,我们分析了一个这样的实验的模型[2],以证明{连续中的束缚态}可以看作是共振态,由于量子干涉在该共振态下复本征值的虚部消失了特定的参数值。然后,我们引入此模型的非Hermitian扩展,该扩展将局部能量输入合并到阵列中。我们表明,能量输入可以再次用于将共振状态推入连续谱,但是在这种情况下,它会导致驻波扩展到整个阵列。这种嵌入在连续体中的共振也被称为{频谱奇异性},部分原因是传输在嵌入能量处发散[3]。因此,此状态等效于激射模式。作为一个应用,我们展示了如何以任意小的能量输入获得激光条件。[1]冯·诺依曼(J. von Neumann)和维纳(E. Wigner),物理学。 Z. {f 30},465(1929); [2] Y. Plotnik等,Phys。莱特牧师{f 107},183901(2011); [3] S. Garmon,M。Gianfreda和N. Hatano,物理学。 A版{f 92},022125(2015)。



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