首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Eye movements in a sequential scanning task: Evidence for distributed processing

Eye movements in a sequential scanning task: Evidence for distributed processing




Current models of eye movement control are derived from theories assuming serial processing of single items or from theories based on parallel processing of multiple items at a time. This issue has persisted because most investigated paradigms generated data compatible with both serial and parallel models. Here, we study eye movements in a sequential scanning task, where stimulus n indicates the position of the next stimulus n + 1. We investigate whether eye movements are controlled by sequential attention shifts when the task requires serial order of processing. Our measures of distributed processing in the form of parafoveal-on-foveal effects, long-range modulations of target selection, and skipping saccades provide evidence against models strictly based on serial attention shifts. We conclude that our results lend support to parallel processing as a strategy for eye movement control.
机译:当前的眼球运动控制模型是从假设对单个项目进行串行处理的理论或基于一次对多个项目进行并行处理的理论中得出的。这个问题一直存在,因为大多数研究范例生成了与串行和并行模型兼容的数据。在这里,我们研究顺序扫描任务中的眼动,其中刺激n表示下一个刺激n + 1的位置。我们研究当任务需要按顺序处理时,眼动是否受顺序注意转移的控制。我们以中心凹旁凹效果,目标选择的远距离调制和跳跃扫视的形式进行分布式处理的措施为严格基于连续注意力转移的模型提供了证据。我们得出结论,我们的结果为并行处理作为眼睛运动控制的策略提供了支持。



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