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Vanishing point attracts gaze in free-viewing and visual search tasks




Several structural scene cues such as gist, layout, horizontal line, openness, and depth have been shown to guide scene perception (e.g., Oliva & Torralba, reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-oliva1" class="revealLink refLink">2001); Ross & Oliva, reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-ross1" class="revealLink refLink">2009). Here, to investigate whether vanishing point (VP) plays a significant role in gaze guidance, we ran two experiments. In the first one, we recorded fixations of 10 observers (six male, four female; mean age 22; SD = 0.84) freely viewing 532 images, out of which 319 had a VP (shuffled presentation; each image for 4 s). We found that the average number of fixations at a local region (80 × 80 pixels) centered at the VP is significantly higher than the average fixations at random locations (t test; n = 319; p 0.001). To address the confounding factor of saliency, we learned a combined model of bottom-up saliency and VP. The AUC (area under curve) score of our model (0.85; SD = 0.01) is significantly higher than the base saliency model (e.g., 0.8 using attention for information maximization (AIM) model by Bruce & Tsotsos, reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-bruce1" class="revealLink refLink">2005, t test; p = 3.14e-16) and the VP-only model (0.64, t test; p 0.001). In the second experiment, we asked 14 subjects (10 male, four female; mean age 23.07, SD = 1.26) to search for a target character (T or L) placed randomly on a 3 × 3 imaginary grid overlaid on top of an image. Subjects reported their answers by pressing one of the two keys. Stimuli consisted of 270 color images (180 with a single VP, 90 without). The target happened with equal probability inside each cell (15 times L, 15 times T). We found that subjects were significantly faster (and more accurate) when the target appeared inside the cell containing the VP compared to cells without the VP (median across 14 subjects 1.34 s vs. 1.96 s; Wilcoxon rank-sum test; p = 0.0014). These findings support the hypothesis that vanishing point, similar to face, text (Cerf, Frady, & Koch, reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-cerf1" class="revealLink refLink">2009), and gaze direction (Borji, Parks, & Itti, reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-borji10" class="revealLink refLink">2014) guides attention in free-viewing and visual search tasks.
机译:已经显示了一些结构性场景线索,例如要点,布局,水平线,开放度和深度,可以指导场景感知(例如,Oliva&Torralba, 2001 );罗斯和奥利瓦(Ross&Oliva),manifest-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-ross1" class="revealLink refLink"> 2009 )。在这里,为了研究消失点(VP)在注视引导中是否起重要作用,我们进行了两个实验。在第一个中,我们记录了10位观察者的注视(六位男性,四位女性;平均年龄22; SD = 0.84),自由观看532张图像,其中319位具有VP(随机显示;每位)图像持续4 s)。我们发现,以VP为中心的本地区域(80×80像素)的平均注视次数明显高于随机位置的平均注视( t 测试; n = 319; p <0.001)。为了解决显着性的混杂因素,我们学习了自下而上的显着性和VP的组合模型。我们模型的AUC(曲线下面积)得分(0.85; SD = 0.01)显着高于基本显着性模型(例如,布鲁斯和Tsotsos提出的注意信息最大化(AIM)模型为0.8) ,Reveal-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-bruce1" class="revealLink refLink"> 2005 , t 测试; p = 3.14e-16)和仅使用VP的模型(0.64, t 测试; p <0.001)。在第二个实验中,我们要求14位受试者(10位男性,4位女性;平均年龄23.07, SD = 1.26)搜索随机放置在3×3虚构图像上的目标字符(T或L)网格覆盖在图像顶部。受试者通过按两个键之一报告答案。刺激包括270幅彩色图像(180张带单个VP,90张不带)。目标在每个像元内的发生概率相等(L的15倍,T的15倍)。我们发现,当目标出现在含有VP的细胞内时,与没有VP的细胞相比,受试者的速度明显更快(更准确)(14位受试者的中位数为1.34 s对1.96 s; Wilcoxon秩和检验; p = 0.0014)。这些发现支持以下假说:消失点类似于面部,文本(Cerf,Frady和Koch,overlay-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-cerf1" class="revealLink refLink"> 2009 < / a>)和注视方向(Borji,Parks和Itti,manifest-id="i1534-7362-16-14-18-borji10" class="revealLink refLink"> 2014 )引导注意力在免费观看和视觉搜索任务中。



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