首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Are the optic flow and egocentric direction strategies for steering control during walking linearly combined?

Are the optic flow and egocentric direction strategies for steering control during walking linearly combined?




The egocentric direction strategy and the optic flow strategy both play a role in the online control of steering during locomotion. Their relative contribution depends on the structure of the visual environment (i.e. the amount of optic flow) and the flow rate. Moreover, optic flow serves to calibrate the walking direction in the egocentric strategy. However it remains unclear precisely how these two strategies are integrated. Our previous results suggest that they may be linearly combined, with weights of about 0.8 (flow) and 0.2 (egocentric) in visually structured environments. However, this was observed when the heading specified by optic flow was displaced at a single ?±10?° offset (right or left) from the locomotor axis. Here, we test this weighted combination by investigating a broader range of offsets. Participants actively walk in a 40 x 40 ft. virtual environment while wearing a head-mounted display (63?° H x 53?° V), and head position is recorded with a sonic/inertial tracker (70 ms latency). The virtual environment contains a textured ground, ceiling, frontal wall, and randomly positioned vertical posts. Participants repeatedly walk to a target (a doorway in the wall) while the heading direction specified by optic flow is displaced randomly to the right or left of the actual walking direction, blocking adaptation. The displacement increases from ?±5?° to ?±25?° in 5?° steps, in blocks of 8 trials. If the two strategies are linearly combined, we expect that the weights will be constant over some range, although there may be an upper limit due to biomechanical and proprioceptive constraints. Results for human heading direction are compared with model predictions based on a control law for steering in which the turning rate is a weighted linear sum of egocentric direction and optic flow.
机译:在运动过程中,以自我为中心的方向策略和光流策略都在在线控制转向中发挥作用。它们的相对贡献取决于视觉环境的结构(即,光通量)和流速。此外,光流在以自我为中心的策略中用于校准步行方向。但是,尚不清楚这两种策略如何整合。我们以前的结果表明,它们可以线性组合,在视觉结构化的环境中权重约为0.8(流动)和0.2(以中心为中心)。但是,这是在由光流指定的航向偏离运动轴一个单一的±±10°°的偏移量(左右)时观察到的。在这里,我们通过研究更大范围的偏移量来测试这种加权组合。参与者戴着头戴式显示器(63?H x 53?V)时,会在40 x 40英尺的虚拟环境中积极行走,并使用声音/惯性跟踪器(70毫秒延迟)记录头部位置。虚拟环境包含带纹理的地面,天花板,正面墙和随机放置的垂直柱。参与者反复走到目标(墙上的门口),同时视光流指定的航向随机地移到实际行走方向的左右,从而阻碍了适应。在8个试验的块中,位移以5°°的步长从+/- 5°增大到+/- 25°。如果将这两种策略线性地组合在一起,尽管由于生物力学和本体感受的限制可能会有上限,但我们预计权重将在一定范围内保持恒定。将人类前进方向的结果与基于转向控制律的模型预测进行比较,其中转向率是以自我为中心的方向和光流的加权线性总和。



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