首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Effective Treatment of Epithelial Downgrowth in Persistent Wound Leak Following Removal of Silicone Oil

Effective Treatment of Epithelial Downgrowth in Persistent Wound Leak Following Removal of Silicone Oil




This case report aims to share the successful management of Epithelial Downgrowth (ED) which occurred following persistentwound leak, after Removal of Silicone Oil (ROSO) via the anterior chamber. A teenage male with history of high myopia underwentbilateral phacoemulsifcation and implantation of Multifocal Intraocular Lens (MFIOLs). Four months later, he complained of left eye?oaters and blurring of vision. Fundus showed left vitreous haemorrhage with lens subluxation. Left 23 gauge pars plana vitrectomyrevealed multiple retinal tears. Endolaser and gas injection with MFIOL repositioning was done. Retinal redetachment and MFIOLsubluxation occurred six weeks postoperatively. Revision vitrectomy with silicone oil and explantation of MFIOL was performedrendering left eye aphakic. Four months later, he underwent ROSO via a superior corneal incision. Positive Seidels was seen twoweeks post-ROSO and resuturing was performed. Unfortunately, advancing ED was noted at the superior cornea. One monthafter ROSO, scleral fxated IOL implantation with manual removal of ED and intracameral injection of 5-?uorouracil (5-FU) wereperformed. Twelve months postoperatively, cornea remained clear with a pinhole vision of 6/7.5 and retina was ?at. In conclusion,wound leak after ROSO via the anterior chamber in aphakic individuals may predispose to ED. Key to treatment of this sightthreatening condition is thoughtful anterior segment examination. Manual removal of the membrane combined with 5-FU injectionduring secondary lens implantation surgery is an effective treatment.
机译:本病例报告旨在分享成功伤口愈合后经前房去除硅油(ROSO)后发生上皮下生长(ED)的成功经验。一名患有高度近视病史的青少年男性接受双侧超声乳化术并植入多焦点人工晶状体(MFIOLs)。四个月后,他抱怨左眼浮肿和视力模糊。眼底显示左眼玻璃体出血伴晶状体半脱位。左23标尺平面玻璃体切除术揭示了多发性眼泪。使用MFIOL重新定位进行了激光内镜和气体注入。术后六个星期发生视网膜脱离和MFIOL半脱位。用硅油进行玻璃体切除术并植入MFIOL致左眼无晶状体。四个月后,他通过上角膜切口接受了ROSO治疗。 ROSO后两周观察到阳性Seidels,并进行了重新缝合。不幸的是,在上角膜发现了ED的进展。 ROSO后一个月,进行巩膜固定人工晶状体植入,手动切除ED并进行前房内注射5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)。术后十二个月,角膜保持透明,针孔视力为6 / 7.5,视网膜平坦。总之,无晶状体个体在ROSO后经前房的伤口渗漏可能是ED的诱发因素。治疗这种威胁视力的疾病的关键是周密的前段检查。在人工晶状体植入手术期间,人工切除膜结合5-FU注射是一种有效的治疗方法。



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