首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Cadaveric Study of Profunda Femoris Artery with Some Unique Variations

Cadaveric Study of Profunda Femoris Artery with Some Unique Variations




Background: Profunda femoris artery is the largest branch of femoral artery and chief supply of the thigh. It is useful for various clinical procedures like arteriography, ultrasonography and Doppler imaging and haemodialysis. Hence, accurate anatomical knowledge is very important for the clinicians. Materials and Methods: Thirty three properly embalmed cadavers (17 males and 16 females) were selected for the study. Femoral artery, Profunda femoris artery and its branches were exposed and their distances of origin were measured. Results: In present study of profunda femoris artery, we found posterolateral and lateral aspect of origin was common (71.21%) than posterior and posteromedial aspect of origin (24.24%). The site of origin of profunda femoris artery was between 21-40 mm on right side and 11-40 mm on left side. In 14 limbs (21.21%), we found high origin of profunda femoris artery (distance < 10mm). In two limbs (3.03%) Profunda femoris artery was originating from medial side of femoral artery and it coursed superficial to femoral vein. As per various literatures this is rare. In one female cadaver, on left side, we noted high origin (5mm away from mid inguinal point) of profunda femoris artery and site of origin was from anterolateral aspect of femoral artery and all the superficial branches of thigh took origin from it, while on right side of same cadaver findings were normal. In 13 limbs (19.69%) profunda femoris artery took origin as a common stem along with one of circumflex arteries while in three limbs (4.54%) trifurcation was observed, that is origin of profunda femoris and two circumflex arteries from single site. In four limbs (6.06%), superficial branches of femoral artery took origin from profunda femoris artery instead of femoral artery. Conclusion: In present study posterolateral and lateral side of origin is noted as common site of origin of profunda femoris artery. Rare variation like medial side origin of profunda Femoris artery was observed and it coursed on femoral vein. Very high incidence of high level of origin of profunda femoris artery was found. In one of the high origin limb profunda femoris artery originated from anterolateral side and all superficial branches of thigh took origin from it. Such variation is unique. Hence, this study will help the clinicians to avoid iatrogenic complications and also help them in various clinical procedures like puncture of femoral artery for interventional radiology.
机译:背景:股深部动脉是股动脉的最大分支,是大腿的主要供给。它可用于各种临床程序,如动脉造影,超声检查以及多普勒成像和血液透析。因此,准确的解剖学知识对临床医生非常重要。材料与方法:选择33具经过适当防腐处理的尸体(男17例,女16例)进行研究。暴露股动脉,股深部动脉及其分支,并测量其起源距离。结果:在目前的股深动脉研究中,我们发现起源于后外侧和外侧的比例(71.21%)高于起源于后内侧和后内侧的比例(24.24%)。股深部动脉的起源部位在右侧的21-40 mm和左侧的11-40 mm之间。在14条肢体(21.21%)中,我们发现股骨深部动脉起源高(距离<10mm)。在两个肢体中(3.03%),股深部动脉起源于股动脉内侧,并从表浅延伸至股静脉。根据各种文献,这种情况很少见。在左侧的一只雌性尸体中,我们注意到股骨深动脉的高起源(距腹股沟中点5mm),起源部位是股动脉的前外侧,大腿的所有浅表分支都起源于此。同一尸体右侧的发现正常。在13条肢体(19.69%)中,股深部动脉与一根回旋支动脉共同起源,而在三条肢体中(4.54%),出现了三叉分叉,这是股深部和两条单支旋回性动脉的起源。现场。在四肢(6.06%)中,股动脉浅支起源于股骨深部动脉而不是股动脉。结论:在本研究中,起源于后外侧和外侧被认为是股深部动脉起源的常见部位。观察到罕见的变化,如股骨深部股动脉内侧侧起源,并在股静脉上行进。发现股骨深动脉高水平高发的发生率。在高起源肢体股深部股动脉之一起源于前外侧,大腿的所有浅表分支均从其起源。这种变化是独特的。因此,这项研究将有助于临床医生避免医源性并发症,并帮助他们进行各种临床程序,例如穿刺股动脉以进行介入放射学检查。



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