首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >A Rare Combination of Ipsilateral Partial Talocalcaneal and Talonavicular Coalition

A Rare Combination of Ipsilateral Partial Talocalcaneal and Talonavicular Coalition




Tarsal coalitions refer to fibrous, cartilaginous or osseous fusion between two tarsal bones. Commonly seen are talocalcaneal coalitions and calcaneonavicular coalitions. Talonavicular, calcaneocuboid and cubonavicular coalition are very uncommonly seen. Talocalcaneal and calcaneonavicular coalitions are generally symptomatic whereas talonavicular coalitions are asymptomatic. Special view radiography, CT and MRI will be helpful in diagnosing coalitions depending on nature of coalitions. In this case report, we present 24-year-old male patient with rare combination of talocalcaneal and talonavicular coalition on ipsilateral side. Patient also showed talar beak sign and arthritic changes at subtalar joint. Considering first time presentation to hospital and milder symptoms, we treated patient conservatively with short leg cast and foot orthoses. With course of treatment, symptoms were relieved significantly.
机译:s骨联合是指两个骨之间的纤维,软骨或骨融合。常见的是管联合和钙血管联合。很少见到足爪,跟骨和跟骨联合。 Talocalcaneal和Calcaneonavicular联盟通常是有症状的,而talonavicular联盟是无症状的。根据联盟的性质,特殊视图射线照相,CT和MRI将有助于诊断联盟。在本病例报告中,我们介绍了24岁的男性患者,其同侧患上局限性睑缘小球囊和吻合器联合的罕见情况。患者在距骨下关节处也显示距骨喙征和关节炎变化。考虑到首次到医院就诊和症状较轻,我们对短腿石膏和足部矫形器进行保守治疗。随着治疗过程,症状明显缓解。



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