首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cell biology >Posttranslational modifications of alpha tubulin: detyrosination and acetylation differentiate populations of interphase microtubules in cultured cells.

Posttranslational modifications of alpha tubulin: detyrosination and acetylation differentiate populations of interphase microtubules in cultured cells.




Subsets of microtubules enriched in posttranslationally detyrosinated (Gundersen, G. G., M. H. Kalnoski, and J. C. Bulinski. 1984. Cell. 38:779) or acetylated (Piperno, G., M. Le Dizet, and X. Chang. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 104:298), alpha tubulin have previously been described in interphase cultured cells. In this study an immunofluorescence comparison of these minor populations of microtubules revealed that, in African green monkey kidney epithelial cells (TC-7 line), the population of microtubules enriched in detyrosinated tubulin was virtually coincident with the population enriched in acetylated alpha tubulin. In some cell types, however, such as human HeLa or marsupial PtK-2 cells, only one posttranslationally modified form of tubulin, i.e., acetylated or detyrosinated, respectively, was detectable in microtubules. In TC-7 cells, although both modifications were present, dissimilar patterns and kinetics of reappearance of microtubules enriched in detyrosinated and acetylated tubulin were observed after recovery of cells from microtubule-depolymerizing treatments or from mitosis. Thus, a minor population of microtubules exists in cultured cells that contains an elevated level of tubulin modified in either one or two ways. While these two modifications occur primarily on the same subset of microtubules, they differ in their patterns of formation in vivo.
机译:富含翻译后脱酪氨酸(Gundersen,GG,MH Kalnoski和JC Bulinski.1984.Cell.38:779)或乙酰化(Piperno,G.,M.Le Dizet和X.Chang.1987.J.Cell (Biol.104:298),α微管蛋白先前已描述于相间培养细胞中。在这项研究中,对这些微量微管种群的免疫荧光比较表明,在非洲绿猴肾上皮细胞(TC-7系)中,富含脱酪氨酸微管蛋白的微管种群与乙酰化α微管蛋白的种群实际上是一致的。但是,在某些细胞类型中,例如人HeLa或有袋动物PtK-2细胞,在微管中只能检测到一种微管蛋白的翻译后修饰形式,即分别为乙酰化或去酪氨酸化。在TC-7细胞中,尽管同时存在两种修饰,但是从微管解聚处理或有丝分裂中回收细胞后,观察到了富含脱酪氨酸和乙酰化微管蛋白的微管的不同模式和重现动力学。因此,培养细胞中存在少量微管,其含有以一种或两种方式修饰的升高水平的微管蛋白。虽然这两个修饰主要发生在相同的微管子集上,但它们在体内的形成方式不同。



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