首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Epidemiologic Relationship between Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Choleraesuis Strains Isolated from Humans and Pigs in Taiwan (1997 to 2002)

Epidemiologic Relationship between Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Choleraesuis Strains Isolated from Humans and Pigs in Taiwan (1997 to 2002)




The emergence of ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis in recent years has become an important public health issue in Taiwan. The resistant strains that cause human infections are considered to be from pigs. In this study, we characterized 157 swine and 42 human Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and drug susceptibility testing to investigate the epidemiologic relationship among the isolates. By PFGE analyses, two major clusters (clusters GA and GB) were identified. Isolates in cluster GA were of both human and swine origins, while those in cluster GB were from pigs only. Among the various genotypes identified, genotype gt-1a was the most prevalent, which was found in 71% (30 of 42) and 48% (76 of 157) of human and swine isolates, respectively. The susceptibility tests for the 106 gt-1a isolates identified 44 susceptibility profiles and showed that 73% of human isolates and 34% of swine isolates were resistant to three fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and norfloxacin). Our findings indicate that a clonal group of Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis may have been circulating in human and swine populations in Taiwan for years and that the fluoroquinolone-resistant Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis strains most likely evolved from a gt-1a clone that emerged in 2000 and that then caused widespread infections in humans and pigs. Nevertheless, it is still debatable whether those Salmonella infections in humans are caused by isolates derived from pigs, on the basis of the higher fluoroquinolone and other antimicrobial resistance percentages in human isolates than in pig isolates.
机译:近年来,耐环丙沙星的小肠沙门氏菌血清型霍乱弧菌的出现已成为台湾重要的公共卫生问题。导致人类感染的抗性菌株被认为是来自猪的。在这项研究中,我们通过脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)和药物敏感性测试来表征157头猪和42例人类沙门氏菌血清型霍乱沙门氏菌的分离株,以研究分离株之间的流行病学关系。通过PFGE分析,确定了两个主要的集群(集群GA和GB)。 GA簇中的分离株是人和猪,而GB簇中的分离株仅来自猪。在鉴定出的各种基因型中,gt-1a基因型最为流行,分别在人和猪分离株中占71%(42个中的30个)和48%(157个中的76个)。对106个gt-1a分离株的药敏试验确定了44个药敏谱,结果表明73%的人类分离株和34%的猪分离株对三种氟喹诺酮类药物(环丙沙星,恩诺沙星和诺氟沙星)有抗药性。我们的发现表明,克隆的沙门氏菌霍乱弧菌可能已经在台湾的人类和猪群中传播了多年,而耐氟喹诺酮类的沙门氏菌霍乱弧菌菌株最有可能从2000年出现的gt-1a克隆进化而来,然后在人和猪中引起了广泛的感染。然而,人类中的这些沙门氏菌感染是否是由猪衍生的分离株引起的还是有争议的,因为人分离株中的氟喹诺酮和其他抗药性百分比要高于猪分离株。


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