首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Serratia ficaria: a Misidentified or Unidentified Rare Cause of Human Infections in Fig Tree Culture Zones

Serratia ficaria: a Misidentified or Unidentified Rare Cause of Human Infections in Fig Tree Culture Zones

机译:沙雷氏菌(Serratia ficaria):无花果树培养区中人类感染的错误或未识别的罕见原因



Serratia ficaria, an enterobacterium involved in the fig tree ecosystem, has been isolated from human clinical samples in rare instances, and its role as a pathogen is unclear. In 7 years, we have isolated S. ficaria from seven patients; it was the only pathogen in 4 patients, including a patient with septicemia described previously and three patients with gallbladder empyemas described in the present report. From March 1995 to July 1997, the incidence of biliary infections due to S. ficaria was 0.7%. We discuss the digestive carriage of this bacterium and its epidemiology with respect to the fig tree life cycle. Since fig trees grow around the Mediterranean as well as in the United States (California, Louisiana, Hawaii), S. ficaria should be more frequently isolated. In our experience, various strains have been misidentified or unidentified by commercial systems. Incorrect identification could be an additional explanation for the paucity of reported cases. S. ficaria produces nonpigmented, lactose-negative colonies which give off a potatolike odor. This odor is the primary feature of S. ficaria and must prompt reexamination of the identifications proposed by commercial systems. We tested 42 novel strains using three commercial systems: Vitek gram-negative identification (GNI) cards and API 20E and ID 32E strips (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France). The percentages of positivity that we have obtained were lower than those published previously for the following characteristics: lipase, gelatinase, DNase, and rhamnose. The best system for the recognition of S. ficaria is ID 32E, which correctly identified 27 of 42 strains. The API 20E system gave correct identifications for only two strains.S. ficaria was not present in the Vitek GNI card system database.
机译:极少数情况下,从人临床样品中分离出了一种与无花果树生态系统有关的肠杆菌-Serratia ficaria 。目前尚不清楚它是病原体的作用。在7年中,我们隔离了 S。来自七名患者的无花果(em)它是4例患者中唯一的病原体,其中包括先前描述的败血症患者和本报告中描述的3例胆囊脓肿患者。从1995年3月到1997年7月,由于 S引起的胆道感染的发生率。 ficaria 为0.7%。我们讨论该细菌的消化运输及其在无花果树生命周期方面的流行病学。由于无花果树遍布地中海以及美国(加利福尼亚州,路易斯安那州,夏威夷),因此 S。 ficaria 应该更经常地被隔离。根据我们的经验,各种菌株已被商业系统错误地识别或未识别。身份不正确可能是报告病例很少的另一种解释。 S。 ficaria 产生无色素,乳糖阴性的菌落,散发出类似土豆的气味。这种气味是 S的主要特征。 ficaria ,并且必须立即重新检查由商业系统提出的标识。我们使用三种商业系统测试了42种新菌株:Vitek革兰氏阴性识别(GNI)卡以及API 20E和ID 32E条带(法国,马西-埃托伊尔,bioMérieux)。我们获得的阳性率低于以下特性的脂肪酶,明胶酶,DNase和鼠李糖。识别 S的最佳系统。 ficaria 是ID 32E,可正确识别42个菌株中的27个。 API 20E系统仅对两种菌株给出了正确的鉴定。 Vitek GNI卡系统数据库中没有ficaria



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