首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Use of serum antibody and lysozyme levels for diagnosis of leprosy and tuberculosis.

Use of serum antibody and lysozyme levels for diagnosis of leprosy and tuberculosis.




Active tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy are difficult to diagnose early because there are few organisms to detect and the specific immune response does not distinguish between active and inactive disease. We developed an immunoassay for lysozyme to see whether serum lysozyme levels could be used to identify individuals with clinical leprosy or TB. The immunoassay for lysozyme proved superior to standard enzyme assays that were less sensitive and reliable. The lysozyme assay was compared with assays for antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipoarabinomannan (LAM) and M. leprae phenolic glycolipid-1. The sera tested were from Ethiopian leprosy (paucibacillary and multibacillary) and TB patients and from healthy Ethiopian and U.S. controls. The lysozyme assay was able to detect more of the individuals with TB (sensitivity, 100% for 19 patients) or leprosy (sensitivity, 86% for 36 patients) than either antibody assay. In particular, lysozyme levels were raised in a higher proportion of the paucibacillary leprosy patients (83% of 17), for whom the antibody assays were less sensitive; the LAM IgG and the phenolic glycolipid-1 IgM levels were raised in only 62 and 44% of 16 patients, respectively. The data suggest that lysozyme measurements may be useful in the diagnosis of mycobacterial infections and other chronic infectious granulomatoses.
机译:活动性结核病和麻风病很难早期诊断,因为几乎没有细菌可以检测到,而且特异性的免疫反应不能区分活动性和非活动性疾病。我们开发了溶菌酶免疫测定法,以查看血清溶菌酶水平是否可用于鉴定临床麻风病或结核病患者。溶菌酶的免疫测定证明优于敏感性和可靠性较低的标准酶测定。将溶菌酶测定法与针对结核分枝杆菌脂阿拉伯甘露聚糖(LAM)和麻风分枝杆菌酚糖脂-1的抗体测定法进行了比较。所测试的血清来自埃塞俄比亚的麻风病(脓疱和多细菌)和结核病患者,以及健康的埃塞俄比亚和美国对照。与任何一种抗体测定法相比,溶菌酶测定法能够检出更多的结核病患者(敏感性,19例患者为10​​0%)或麻风病患者(敏感性,36例患者为86%)。尤其是,在结核性麻风病患者中,较高的溶菌酶水平(17名患者中的83%)提高了抗体分析的敏感性。在16例患者中,分别只有62%和44%的LAM IgG和酚类糖脂1 IgM水平升高。数据表明,溶菌酶的测定可能对分枝杆菌感染和其他慢性感染性肉芽肿病的诊断有用。



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