首页> 外文期刊>Procedia Computer Science >Unified Distributed Computing and Co-ordination in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Networks with Mobile Multi-Agent Systems using a Modular and Portable Agent Code Processing Platform

Unified Distributed Computing and Co-ordination in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Networks with Mobile Multi-Agent Systems using a Modular and Portable Agent Code Processing Platform




A novel and unified approach for reliable distributed and parallel computing using mobile agents is introduced. The agents can be deployed in large scale and hierarchical network environments crossing barriers transparently. The networks can consist of high- and low-resource nodes ranging from generic computers to microchips, and the supported network classes range from body area networks to the Internet including any kind of sensor and ambient network. Agents are represented by mobile program code that can be modified at run-time. The presented approach enables the development of sensor clouds and smart systems of the future integrated in daily use computing environments and the Internet. Agents can migrate between different hardware and software platforms by migrating the program code of the agent, embedding the state and the data of an agent, too. The entire information exchange and coordination of agents with other agents and the environment is performed by using a tuple space database. Beside architecture specific hardware and software implementations of the agent processing platform, there is a JavaScript (JS) implemen- tation layered on the top of a distributed management layer. The JS platform enables the integration of Multi-agent Systems (MAS) in Internet server and application environments (e.g., WEB browser). Agents can migrate transparently between hardware-level sensor networks and WEB browser applications or network servers and vice versa without any transformation required.
机译:介绍了一种使用移动代理进行可靠的分布式和并行计算的新颖,统一的方法。可以将代理程序透明地部署在跨障碍的大规模和分层网络环境中。这些网络可以包括从通用计算机到微芯片的高资源和低资源节点,所支持的网络类别包括从人体局域网到Internet(包括任何类型的传感器和环境网络)。代理由可在运行时修改的移动程序代码表示。提出的方法可以实现集成在日用计算环境和Internet中的未来传感器云和智能系统的开发。代理程序可以通过迁移代理程序的程序代码,嵌入其状态和数据来在不同的硬件和软件平台之间迁移。代理与其他代理和环境的整个信息交换和协调是通过使用元组空间数据库执行的。除了代理处理平台的体系结构特定的硬件和软件实现之外,在分布式管理层的顶部还存在一个JavaScript(JS)实现层。 JS平台可在Internet服务器和应用程序环境(例如WEB浏览器)中集成多代理系统(MAS)。代理可以在硬件级传感器网络和WEB浏览器应用程序或网络服务器之间透明地迁移,反之亦然,而无需进行任何转换。



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