首页> 外文期刊>Procedia Computer Science >A High-level Petri Net Based Approach for Modeling and Composition of Web Services

A High-level Petri Net Based Approach for Modeling and Composition of Web Services




Web services are modular, self-describing, self-contained and loosely coupled applications, which intercommuni-cate via messages exchanging. The evolution of the internet and the emergence of new technologies like e-business have influenced the use of these last ones, which have become popular. The composition of web services is a topic that attracts the interest of researchers. It offers complex problems process ability even with simple existing web services while cooperating with each other. However, modeling tools and formal techniques for the completion of this task are required.In this paper, we show how simple existing web services can be composed, in order to create a composite service, which offers new features. In this context, we propose an expressive object-oriented Petri net based algebra that succeeds in the complex composition of Web services.
机译:Web服务是模块化的,自描述的,自包含的和松散耦合的应用程序,它们通过消息交换相互通信。互联网的发展以及诸如电子商务之类的新技术的出现,影响了后一种技术的使用。 Web服务的组成是引起研究人员兴趣的主题。即使使用简单的现有Web服务并相互协作,它也提供了复杂的问题处理能力。但是,需要使用建模工具和形式技术来完成此任务。在本文中,我们展示了如何简单地组合现有的Web服务,以创建提供新功能的复合服务。在这种情况下,我们提出了一种基于表达的面向对象Petri网的代数,该代数成功地实现了Web服务的复杂组成。



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