首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >An alloresponse in humans is dominated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) cross-reactive with a single Epstein-Barr virus CTL epitope: implications for graft-versus-host disease.

An alloresponse in humans is dominated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) cross-reactive with a single Epstein-Barr virus CTL epitope: implications for graft-versus-host disease.




The phenomenon of T cell allorecognition is difficult to accommodate within the framework of a T cell repertoire positively selected in the thymus, unless allorecognition results from the cross-reactions of self-major histocompatibility complex restricted T cells. Herein, we demonstrate the dual specificity of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones for the immunodominant Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) epitope FLRGRAYGL, presented on HLA-B8, and the alloantigen HLA-B*4402. CTL which recognized peptide FLRGRAYGL in association with HLA-B8 could be reactivated in vitro from healthy individuals who had been exposed previously to EBV, using stimulator cells expressing the cross-reacting alloantigen HLA-B*4402. Limiting dilution analysis of the alloresponse to HLA-B*4402 in eight healthy individuals revealed that HLA-B8+, EBV-sero+ donors had higher CTL precursor frequencies for alloantigen HLA-B*4402 than EBV-sero- control donors. It is surprising that the majority (65-100%) of anti-HLA-B*4402 CTL, generated in limiting dilution mixed lymphocyte reactions between responder cells from HLA-B8+, EBV-sero+ individuals and HLA-B*4402+ stimulators, also recognized the EBV CTL epitope FLRGRAYGL/HLA-B8. In contrast to previous studies showing extensive diversity in the T cell repertoire against individual alloantigens, these data demonstrate that the response to an alloantigen can be dominated by CTL cross-reactive with a single viral epitope, thus illustrating a possible mechanism for the frequent clinical association between herpesvirus exposure and graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplants.
机译:除非同种异体认知是由于自身主要组织相容性复合物受限制的T细胞的交叉反应所致,否则难以在胸腺中阳性选择的T细胞库中容纳T细胞同种异体认知的现象。在这里,我们证明了针对HLA-B8和同种抗原HLA-B * 4402的免疫显性爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)表位FLRGRAYGL的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)克隆具有双重特异性。可以使用表达交叉反应的同种抗原HLA-B * 4402的刺激细胞,从先前接触过EBV的健康个体中体外重新激活识别与FLARAYGL和HLA-B8结合的肽的CTL。在八个健康个体中对HLA-B * 4402的过敏反应的有限稀释分析显示,同种抗原HLA-B * 4402的HLA-B8 +,EBV-血清+供体比EBV-血清对照供体具有更高的CTL前体频率。令人惊讶的是,大多数(65-100%)抗HLA-B * 4402 CTL是在HLA-B8 +,EBV-sero +个体和HLA-B * 4402 +刺激物之间的有限稀释混合淋巴细胞反应中产生的,也认识到EBV CTL表位FLRGRAYGL / HLA-B8。与先前的研究表明,T细胞针对单个同种抗原的广泛多样性相反,这些数据表明,对同种抗原的反应可以由与单个病毒表位交叉反应的CTL主导,从而说明了频繁临床关联的可能机制疱疹病毒暴露与骨髓移植后移植物抗宿主病之间的关系。



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