首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >Replication of human immunodeficiency virus in monocytes. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) potentiates viral production yet enhances the antiviral effect mediated by 3'-azido-2'3'-dideoxythymidine (AZT) and other dideoxynucleoside congeners of thymidine.

Replication of human immunodeficiency virus in monocytes. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) potentiates viral production yet enhances the antiviral effect mediated by 3'-azido-2'3'-dideoxythymidine (AZT) and other dideoxynucleoside congeners of thymidine.




We have investigated the influence of granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) on the replication of HIV-1 in cells of monocyte/macrophage (M/M) lineage, and its effect on the anti-HIV activity of several 2'3'-dideoxynucleoside congeners of thymidine in these cells in vitro. We found that replication of both HTLV-IIIBa-L (a monocytotropic strain of HIV-1) and HTLV-IIIB (a lymphocytotropic strain) is markedly enhanced in M/M, but not in lymphocytes exposed to GM-CSF in culture. Moreover, GM-CSF reduced the dose of HIV required to obtain productive infection in M/M. Even in the face of this increased infection, GM-CSF also enhanced the net anti-HIV activity of 3'-azido-2'3'-dideoxythymidine (AZT) and several related congeners: 2'3'-dideoxythymidine (ddT), 2'3'-dideoxy-2'3'-didehydrothymidine (D4T), and 3'-azido-2'3'-dideoxyuridine (AZddU). Inhibition of viral replication in GM-CSF-exposed M/M was achieved with concentrations of AZT and related drugs, which were 10-100 times lower than those inhibitory for HIV-1 in monocytes in the absence of GM-CSF. Other dideoxynucleosides not related to AZT showed unchanged or decreased anti-HIV activity in GM-CSF-exposed M/M. To investigate the possible biochemical basis for these effects, we evaluated the metabolism of several drugs in M/M exposed to GM-CSF. We observed in these cells markedly increased levels of both parent and mono-, di-, and triphosphate anabolites of AZT and D4T compared with M/M not exposed to GM-CSF. By contrast, only limited increases of endogenous competing 2'-deoxynucleoside-5'-triphosphate pools were observed after GM-CSF exposure. Thus, the ratio of AZT-5'-triphosphate/2'-deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate and 2'3'-dideoxy-2'3'-didehydrothymidine-5'-triphosphate/2'-deoxythymi dine- 5'-triphosphate is several-fold higher in GM-CSF-exposed M/M, and this may account for the enhanced activity of such drugs in these cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that GM-CSF increases HIV-1 replication in M/M, while at the same time enhancing the anti-HIV activity of AZT and related congeners in these cells. These results may have implications in exploring new therapeutic strategies in patients with severe HIV infection.
机译:我们研究了粒细胞巨噬细胞CSF(GM-CSF)对单核细胞/巨噬细胞(M / M)谱系细胞中HIV-1复制的影响,以及其对几个2'3'的抗HIV活性的影响在体外这些细胞中胸腺嘧啶的β-二脱氧核苷同源物。我们发现,HTLV-IIIBa-L(HIV-1的单核细胞株)和HTLV-IIIB(淋巴细胞的株)的复制在M / M中显着增强,但在培养物中暴露于GM-CSF的淋巴细胞中则没有。此外,GM-CSF降低了在M / M中获得生产性感染所需的HIV剂量。即使面对这种增加的感染,GM-CSF也可以增强3'-叠氮基2'3'-双脱氧胸苷(AZT)和几种相关同源物的净抗HIV活性:2'3'-双脱氧胸苷(ddT), 2′3′-二脱氧-2′3′-二氢胸苷(D4T)和3′-叠氮基-2′3′-二氧尿苷(AZddU)。使用AZT和相关药物的浓度可达到在GM-CSF暴露的M / M中抑制病毒复制的作用,该浓度比不使用GM-CSF的单核细胞中抑制HIV-1的浓度低10-100倍。在GM-CSF暴露的M / M中,与AZT不相关的其他双脱氧核苷显示出不变或下降的抗HIV活性。为了研究这些作用的可能的生化基础,我们评估了暴露于GM-CSF的M / M中几种药物的代谢。与未暴露于GM-CSF的M / M相比,我们在这些细胞中观察到AZT和D4T的亲本和单磷酸,二磷酸和三磷酸合成代谢物的含量均显着增加。相比之下,在GM-CSF暴露后,仅观察到内源竞争性2'-脱氧核苷5'-三磷酸库的有限增加。因此,AZT-5'-三磷酸/ 2'-脱氧胸苷-5'-三磷酸与2'3'-二脱氧-2'3'-二氢胸苷-5'-三磷酸/ 2'-脱氧胸腺嘧啶-5'-的比例在暴露于GM-CSF的M / M中,三磷酸酯的含量要高几倍,这可能解释了这类药物在这些细胞中的活性增强。综上所述,这些发现表明,GM-CSF在M / M中增加HIV-1复制,同时增强这些细胞中AZT和相关同源物的抗HIV活性。这些结果可能对探索重度HIV感染患者的新治疗策略产生影响。



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